I need source of C++ exercises

Hi every1.
I am currently learning c++, and i seriously think i need to write code in order to really get a grasp with the syntax and concepts of the language. I've tried inventing problems relating to the chapters that i am studying, but eventually it ended up becoming boring.
Can anyone give me any website where i could find loads of c++ exercises. I do not mean websites with programming challenges, but just simple practice exercises, mainly geared towards object-oriented programming.

Here's one: http://www.fz-juelich.de/video/cpp/html/exercises.html

I'd recommend going through this site's reference section and construct your own exercises from the examples. Start with the section on algorithms, and then try using different container types with the algorithms. That will give you a feel for algorithms and data structures, which is the most important aspect of software design.
Here's another: http://www.cprogramming.com/challenge.html

For experienced and for us noobies :)
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