Sophomore cs major looking for advice

Hey everyone, this is my first post in these forums. I'm currently a sophomore computer science major and I'm looking for advice in improving. I did really well in my first 2 cs classes up until we learned pointers and the linkedList idea of nodes moving. Ever since we covered those topics I've felt behind. I passed the class but didnt do as well as I originally thought I would. So my question for you all is, how long have you been programming? Did you find the topics I mentioned difficult and also necessary for continuing in the program?

I used to really enjoy programming, I would do hours of it just for fun in high school but once I got to college it just seems like a lot of work. Maybe it's because the projects I'm doing are boring and yet they use complicated programming to do the most simple of tasks. Hope this all makes sense.
Please edit your starting post and move the thread to the Lounge section.

I used to really enjoy programming, I would do hours of it just for fun in high school but once I got to college it just seems like a lot of work. Maybe it's because the projects I'm doing are boring and yet they use complicated programming to do the most simple of tasks.

Every person has their own learning tempo. Don't worry about it, just try to keep up, and then perfect your skills in your own time.

Otherwise, there's nothing wrong with losing passion for something in time. Maybe you had enough of programming? Then find yourself something new to do.
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