Ive been programming on and off for like 10 years now (starting at 9 with qb, on to VB6, delphi, python, php and various scripting languages), for whatever reason ive been avoiding c++ all that time but couple months ago i just took a swing at it and now feel pretty comfortable about it. Like all the other languages ive learned after learning the syntax and most common apis it seems the friendly tutorials just stop and your on your own, free to go whichever direction your interested in. This time i want to explore an area that ive never dealt with before and figured a packet editor would also be really useful (since all of my biggest projects have been some kinds of bots).
Ive done heaps of research around the web but i still dont even have a clue how exactly they work.. from what ive gathered you have this program that injects a dll into the target program and then via the dll does something to intercept its communications. Maybe somebody can give me a more elaborate idea of their principle? Maybe even point me to some apis/librarys? Thanks.