I would highly suggest you reread whatever material you have that deal with functions. It seems you don't understand how programs have different scopes. By that I mean if you want to use a variable that is declared in main() in a function you need to pass that variable to the function through a parameter.
Here is a example.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
int addNumbers(int numOne, int numTwo, int numThree)
return numOne + numTwo + numThree;
int main()
int one = 5;
int two = 10;
int three = 55;
cout << addNumbers(one, two, three);
What the function is doing is saying whatever variables I pass into numOne, numTwo and numThree I want to add all their values together and return that sum.
So again reread up on functions because I don't think you totally get the idea behind them yet.
Also you cant do this void goup(), goleft(), goright(), godown(), foxe(), atsiranda();