In the MinGw shell, I ran the line "Mingw-get install gmp", and i not sure if this is already enough for the gmp installation. Then i write a simple code to test it out:
I tried to run it on code block after copying gmp.h and gmpxx.h into codeblock/mingw/include folder and i get this error:
1 2 3
obj\Debug\main.o||In function `main':|
D:\Desktop\graph\code block\testing\testing.cpp\main.cpp|10|undefined reference to `_imp____gmpf_init'|
||=== Build finished: 1 errors, 0 warnings (0 minutes, 0 seconds) ===|
Then i try to compile it directly with mingw, and i get the same error at that line "mpf_init(f)".
I did read a previous post about this problem, its look like this problem is caused by the linking problems, but i don't understand how should i link them