My question is a little off topic and that's I don't know what should I do to write complicated programs.
I used to write programs that had only main.cpp and some .h's , but as I moved into classes, they told me you should write each class in two files, one .h and one .cpp .
Now It got a little complicated and some structs don't know classes and vice versa.
Here what i've done : (Please take a look at it)
main.cpp :
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#include "Calender.h"
int main ()
Calender user ;
user = user.getDate () ;
user.showDate (user) ;
user = user.DayPP (user) ;
user = user.DayMM (user) ;
Calender.h :
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#include "Date.h"
class Calender
public :
Calender getDate () ;
void showDate (Calender) ;
Calender DayPP (Calender) ;
Calender DayMM (Calender) ;
Date addDate () ;
private :
short day , month , year ;
} ;
Calender.cpp :
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#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
using std :: cout ;
using std :: cin ;
#include "Calender.h"
Calender Calender :: getDate ()
//Function declaration
void Calender :: showDate (Calender show)
//Function declaration
Calender Calender :: DayMM (Calender input)
//Function declaration
Date.h :
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#include "Calender.h"
struct Date
char Name [10] ;
Calender Date ;
} ;
Now my problem is that in Date.h an error appears :
Calender doesn't name a type |
BUT I included Calender.h in the beginning.
In my last project I faced such errors too and still I don't understand how it works and what should I exactly do.
I searched internet but I couldn't find a toturial, if you know any documentation on how to create files and link them to each other please let me know.
thanks in advanced