Access violation, Project Options
So, I just installed Dev-C++ V.5.3, and the problem is that, whenever I want to access the project options, I receive this error:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Application version:
Machine info
Platform : Windows NT
OS version : version 5.1 (build 2600)
Additional info: Service Pack 3
Computer name : ZXCVB
The following error occured in version
Access violation at address 00D9FABB. Write of address 00D9FABB (at address 0x00D9FABB)
Please include a description of what you were doing before the error occured:
Stack trace:
0027BAC9 (0017AAC9): TEAnalyzer.EHandler (ExceptionsAnalyzerFrm - 228)
0025E477 (0015D477): TfrmProjectOptions.InitVersionInfo (ProjectOptionsFrm - 1022)
0025C174 (0015B174): TfrmProjectOptions.SetInterface (ProjectOptionsFrm - 533)
00266330 (00165330): TProject.ShowOptions (project - 1544)
00244E12 (00143E12): TMainForm.actProjectOptionsExecute (main - 2835)
0027BF99 (0017AF99): TfrmExceptionsAnalyzer.ReadMapFile (ExceptionsAnalyzerFrm - 309)
0027E9C8 (0017D9C8): (devcpp - 167)
0027E9E3 (0017D9E3): (devcpp - 167)
0027E638 (0017D638): (devcpp - 107)
Help will be appreciated.
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