I just today want to start using c++ i have been putting it off to learn it for a while and now i am motivated. I have a Macbook running leopard 10.5.6 and i downloaded xcode and got it running but have no idea how to find what i need to run and how to use it. Again i am new, i want to know what program would be the best for me on my mac to run.
Also what tips or things online do you know of to learn c++ the fastest and best?
Ok. I am a fellow mac C++ programmer. To create a C++ <b>command line</b>program... click on xcode, then click file, new project then you HAVE TO click on command line on the left hand side and click C++ Tool. Then click choose and in that window you can choose what name you want to call the project and where you want to place it. Then click ok/done (w/e it is) and you will then be given a window to manage your project. The file with the C++ icon is were you write all your code. The one with the black icon is the product of the C++ source code file. It is the product of what happens when the source code is compiled. The other file, well i dont no what it does and to my knowledge dont do anything with it.
To compile the program in the C++ source code, click build and go and you have to click save or else the code you typed in wont change the actual file.
Thank you Arcadiu it helped a lot. If anyone has any tips or help for me that would be great, and as i said i just started to learn and no next to nothing at this point. I have read the tutorial on this site and got the program and thats about it.
If you think you want to develop apps for the mac, please dont use C++ use objectice-c and cocoa. There osx languages so you can't build native apps unfortunately however objectice-c and cocoa make it very easy to build a UI as you use interface builder
sorry to go offtopic but objectice c offers an interface builder which is very very easy to use and to my knowledge to build a interface in C++ u have to write the code manually unless Visual studio C++ offers that which i wouldnt no about
I would not recommend C++ for dummies but thats my opinion as it did not cover basic things like int main() is needed in all C++ programs and other important things like that, the author tended to delve into topics throughout the whole book without giving enough information and covering the main topics
I have that book and sams teach yourself C++ in 21 days, yes I know you cant learn a language in 21 days but it gives basic to intermiediate knowledge