I suggest running your app in a debugger. That way, you'll be able to see what's going on, which lines of code are being executed, and what values are being calculated.
First is your variable names - one could directly interpret not_for_toddlers as meaning "Not for toddlers", rather than "Number of tickets for toddlers".
You have a lot of repetition in your code. Lines 102 -119 & 122 - 134 for example is repeated 4 times which is 126 LOC.
So these should be in functions.
In general switch cases should call functions if they are more than a small amount of code.
There is a bit of an unwritten rule that a function (including main) should not be more than 80 LOC - some even go for 20 - 40 LOC.
Check out the assignment operators += and -= and *=, plus others. They can be used like this, for example:
Gross_total += price;
These operators are good because they save on typos and shorten up the code a bit.