Block type is Vaild
Apr 24, 2013 at 6:10pm UTC
Hello every one I am having a problem with this code I am new to C++ but have some experience with C# and Java.Every time this code runs it runs fine until i press enter to close the console then this debug assert error pops up which from the little bit of knowledge I have makes me think that it is in the destructor. I narrowed it down to the creation of the second student object. When I comment it out the code runs fine. part of the assignment was to override the assignment operator to make a copy of the student object dynamic array and all. This is an assignment from class and I have gone over this with my teacher but he has no experience with c++. He says it is because I am not using typedef to assign the pointer name to the dynamic array I tried to explain to him that is just a way to give a type an alias(am I wrong).If someone could please just let know were I went wrong that would very helpful thank you.(I will post all of it I am not sure if you need to see the header file or not)
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#include <iostream>
class Student
public :
Student(void );
Student(std::string, int );
~Student(void );
std::string getStudentName();
void setNameOfStudent(std::string);
void setListOfClasses(std::string, int );
std::string getListOfClasses(int );
int getNumberOfClasses();
void setNumberOfClasses(int );
void emptyStudent();
Student operator =(const Student);
private :
std::string _studentName;
int _numberOfClasses;
std::string *_listOfClasses;
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Student.h"
#include <iostream>
Student::Student(void ) { }
Student::Student(std::string name, int num)
_studentName = name;
_numberOfClasses = num;
_listOfClasses = new std::string[_numberOfClasses];
Student::~Student(void )
delete [] _listOfClasses;
std::string Student::getStudentName()
return _studentName;
void Student::setNameOfStudent(std::string name)
_studentName = name;
void Student::setListOfClasses(std::string className, int index)
_listOfClasses[index] = className;
std::string Student::getListOfClasses(int index)
return _listOfClasses[index];
int Student::getNumberOfClasses()
return _numberOfClasses;
void Student::setNumberOfClasses(int num)
_numberOfClasses = num;
void Student::emptyStudent()
for (int i =0; i < _numberOfClasses; i++)
_listOfClasses = NULL; //Makes list of classes a empty string
_numberOfClasses =0;
Student Student::operator =(const Student studentToCopy )
Student newStudent(studentToCopy._studentName, studentToCopy._numberOfClasses);
memcpy ( &newStudent._listOfClasses, &studentToCopy._listOfClasses, sizeof (std::string)); //makes copy of data not pointer
return studentToCopy; // --> I just put a break point here and this is not running
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Student.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
void createAndPopulateStudentObject(Student&);
//creates student object and initializes it
// with input from console
void displayOutputToConsole(Student&);
//displays the output from the student
// object to the console
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
Student studentOne("Otis" , 5);
Student copyOfStudentOne.operator = studentOne;
system("PAUSE" );
return 0;
void createAndPopulateStudentObject(Student& studentOne)
std::string tempstr;
for (int i =0; i < studentOne.getNumberOfClasses(); i++)
std::cout << "Enter the name of your number " << i+1 << " class\n" ;
std::cin >> tempstr;
void displayOutputToConsole(Student& studentOne)
std::cout << studentOne.getStudentName() << " is taking " << studentOne.getNumberOfClasses() << " classes this term.\n" ;
for (int i =0; i < studentOne.getNumberOfClasses(); i++)
std::cout << "Class number " << i+1 << " is " << studentOne.getListOfClasses(i) << std::endl;
Last edited on Apr 24, 2013 at 6:31pm UTC
Apr 24, 2013 at 6:30pm UTC
You are also not using the operator correctly. All you need to do is assign the values that the student has to the student that holds the operator:
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Student& Student::operator =(const Student& S)
_studentName = S.getStudentName();
_numberOfClasses = S.getNumberOfClasses();
_listOfClasses = new std::string[_numberOfClasses];
return *this ;
1 2
Student studentTwo;
studentTwo = studentOne;
Apr 24, 2013 at 6:32pm UTC
Thank you I will do that.
Apr 24, 2013 at 7:02pm UTC
"pogrady" thank you very much that solved my problem.
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