How to google

Pages: 12
Dec 31, 2010 at 1:12am
Thank you for the lesson sir. When will you teach us about the things that appear as we type, as well as "I'm feeling lucky"? And what is this "Pac-Man" phenomenon?
Dec 31, 2010 at 7:35am
WTF?? i guess thiss is a joke?
Dec 31, 2010 at 9:31am
closed account (3pj6b7Xj)
Google is the easiest thing in the world to use. People make too many excuses because they are lazy. Complex is an excuse for not wanting to try. Google is my homepage, i'm always searching the web, thats what the internet is all about, looking up information but too many people waste their time while they could be using its full potential power.

If you faceboook 24/7 waste of life, if you check email 24/7 waste of life, if you want the easy way in, get a life.
Dec 31, 2010 at 11:47pm
WTF?? i guess thiss is a joke?

What? It's completely serious!
Jan 1, 2011 at 5:14am
Yes, this is extremely serious! It's so serious that even Scrooge frowned for a whole two seconds!

Okay, I'm kidding. However, it's a little sad to see so many people who could benefit considerably from this article.

Last edited on Jan 1, 2011 at 5:15am
Jan 1, 2011 at 7:50am
Anyone using google translate? How good is it for your language? Maybe english to non-english. As for our language, the translation seems a good I think.
Jan 1, 2011 at 1:20pm
not really well.


original text:
One morning, as Gregor Samsa was waking up from anxious dreams, he discovered that in his bed he had been changed into a monstrous verminous bug. He lay on his armour-hard back and saw, as he lifted his head up a little, his brown, arched abdomen divided up into rigid bow-like sections. From this height the blanket, just about ready to slide off completely, could hardly stay in place. His numerous legs, pitifully thin in comparison to the rest of his circumference, flickered helplessly before his eyes.

how google translated it:
Vieną rytą, kaip Gregoras Samsa buvo atsibunda nuo nerimo sapnai, jis aptiko, kad jo lovoje jis buvo pakeistas į siaubingą bjaurus klaidą. Jis gulėjo ant jo ginklanešys sunku atgal ir pamačiau, kaip jis pakėlė galvą aukštyn mažai, jo ruda, išgaubta pilvo suskirstyta į griežtos laivapriekio kaip skyriai. Nuo šio aukščio antklodė, tik apie pasirengęs nuslysti visiškai, vargu ar gali likti vietoje. Jo daug kojų, apgailėtinai plonas palyginus su jo apskritimo poilsio, Kibirkščiuojantis bejėgiškai jo akyse.

how I'd (without repairing) translate that back:
One morning, how Gregor Samsa was wakes up from dreams of anxiety, he found, that in his bead he was transformed to a horrible ugly mistake. He lay on his armor-bearer heavy back and saw, how he lifted his head up little, his brown, arched belly divided into strict ship-front as sections. From this height the blanket, only about ready to slide off completely, could hardly stay in place. His many legs, pitifully thin in comparison to his circle rest, Sparkling helplessly in his eyes.
It should be noted that my language (Lithuanian) is pretty complicated to translate to. For example a noun has a gender, number and case (?). Then if there's an adjective with that noun, it has to have the same gender, number and case. There are many mistakes of that kind here, I just can't translate them to English. Also, some words have more narrow meanings. For example 'apie' == 'about' however this 'apie' can be used in sentence like "What wast the book about?" or "This weights about 10 kg", but never "I'm about to do something" (which is the meaning used here).

how google translated that back:
One morning, as Gregor Sams was waking up from anxious dreams, he discovered that his bed, he was replaced by the horrible nasty bug. He lay on his back hard armor, and I saw how he lifted his head up a little, his brown, arched abdomen divided up into rigid bow-like sections. From this height the blanket, just about ready to slide off completely, could hardly stay in place. His many legs, pitifully thin compared with the rest of his circumference, flickered helplessly before his eyes.

It's interesting that google translates back better than I. I guess it understands it's own 'dialect'.

Lithuanian - English

Pabudęs vieną rytą iš neramaus miego, Gregoras Zamza pasijuto paverstas baisingu vabalu. Jis gulėjo lovoje ant kietos kaip šarvas nugaros ir, mažumą kilstelėjęs galvą, matė savo išgaubtą rudą suragėjusių lankų padalintą pilvą, pridengtą vos besilaikančios antklodės. Daugybė palyginti su visu kūnu pasigailėtinai plonų kojų bejėgiškai mirgėjo jam prieš akis.
This is the same paragraph translated by a professional.

google wrote:
Awoke one morning from uneasy sleep, Gregor turned into a grisly Zamza felt beetle. He was lying in bed on the hard shell of the back and, fueled by a minority of head and saw his brown squamous convex arcs divided by the abdomen, just guise of pursuing a blanket. A lot compared to the total body helplessly miserable thin legs mirgėjo his eyes.

Maybe Kafka is too much for google?
Last edited on Jan 1, 2011 at 1:21pm
Jan 1, 2011 at 1:25pm
Hmm, I see.. Also google translate benefit from contributors word suggestion, there are not much contributors in your country or just as you said google is may not be good enough yet.
Jan 9, 2011 at 12:18am
closed account (43RGz8AR)
~LOLs to this hole thread~
Jan 9, 2011 at 12:24am
~LOLs to this hole thread~

whole. You're welcome.
Jan 9, 2011 at 3:41am
-starts falling- GREAT! Now the hole is whole! I blame you, quirkyusername. >:[
Jan 16, 2011 at 12:24am
Bazzy wrote:
if they don't have an Internet, how will they use Google anyway? Or how can they read this page?
surely not with

wget -qO- "" > how_to_google.html
Although you still need Internet to download the page, you don't need it to visualise it.
Jan 16, 2011 at 1:13am
I don't have an Internet. I've been wanting one sooo bad, as nobody seems to have one and I'd be the first to have my own!

Can we get a tutorial on how to use Bing? We need to teach the pros and cons of Google, and to promote an unbiased environment, we need these impressionable minds to know that alternative search engines exist that are a geek-approved way to answer the questions of life, the universe, and everything, and that gaps exist in the Google search tables for which there is no explanation.

Last edited on Jan 16, 2011 at 1:15am
Jan 16, 2011 at 1:43am
What's a text box ;p
Jan 16, 2011 at 1:51am
Have an assignment? Don't want to do it? Here you go
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Pages: 12