Guide to Common Standards

Pages: 123
Feb 16, 2010 at 7:57pm
Lol, this has been an entertaining thread. Thank you all ;)
Last edited on Feb 16, 2010 at 10:28pm
Feb 17, 2010 at 12:54am
Linux kernel with Qemu

This sounds fun, be back in a few.

Edit: For the record, this is the website right?

Edit2: never mind:

The USB filter driver was found to be infected.(2007/02/15)
Please check your computer if you installed the program.

Last edited on Feb 17, 2010 at 1:00am
Feb 17, 2010 at 2:51am
false positive kthx
Feb 18, 2010 at 6:59pm
I think that the first problem with this article is the title. What is meant by "misused standards"? I was actually pretty surprised when I read the actual article in the comments. I don't see any relationship to the title. The purpose of this article seems to be more along the lines of "why coding standards are used or why they are beneficial".

I do not believe that you can even come close to getting general agreement for a particular set of standards in this kind of forum. There are too many people. This is why each company typically has their own set of standards and there is usually a pretty small group of people that define them whether the rest of us workers like them or not. A lot of times I think that the premise is good and that most of the standards are okay while sometimes I find myself developing work arounds for the tools that enforce them. In other cases I have to develop work arounds to avoid arguments during review meetings knowing that someone will reject what I have done even though the code is fine and was thoroughly tested.

If I can make one suggestion I would suggest that you rework this article completely and start over. Find a standard such as the one on Bjarne Stroustrups website or some other website and simply keep your article focused on describing the advantage of having a standard while acknowledging that there are legitimate complaints that can be made against some of the rules and/or guidelines. The comments that I have seen thus far seem to imply that others thought that you were pushing a specific set of standards that everyone should follow while not recognizing that standards must be customized for a particular project environment. You should start with, this is an example of a standard and here are the benefits of it. If folks want to be overly critical and complain about every little detail you don't need to respond to each and every criticism. You need to have very thick skin if you are going to write an article of this kind!

By the way, I appreciate the attempt. This is not a particularly easy subject matter to explain, especially on a website full of know it alls who all have very strong opinions about software development.
Last edited on Feb 18, 2010 at 7:01pm
Feb 19, 2010 at 2:18am
kempofighter wrote:
I think that the first problem with this article is the title.

Originally it was just commonly misused ones, by that I meant people with extremely poor naming (e.g. having every single variable name as a 1 char a-z throughout their code even though some were important and used often throughout) and other such poorly written code. But then it evolved. Anyway, I'm pretty sure I can edit the title will do so later, thanks for the comments.

I think my biggest problem is now everything is not in bullet point format. I have a terrible use of grammar, and writing is one of my biggest challenges. So I would appreciate if anybody thinks a sentence sounds strange or typically written by someone of low intelligence to re-write it as needed, Once I have completed it.

Also out of the few (6-7) standards I have read I'm pretty sure all of them had clauses that allowed certain parts to be ignored depending, some were on a sliding scale so some standards are will do this, some are should do this, and some would do this...
I am yet to work in such in environment so I failed to see it being such a problem as you described.

edit: yes I can edit the title, but now what to call it?

Last edited on Feb 19, 2010 at 2:26am
Feb 22, 2010 at 7:36pm
I am yet to work in such in environment so I failed to see it being such a problem as you described.

What environment? Are you saying that you have never had a job where you were subject to coding to a project specific standard?
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Pages: 123