
public member function
<istream> <iostream>


initialization (1)
explicit basic_iostream (basic_streambuf<char_type,traits_type>* sb);
initialization (1)
explicit basic_iostream (basic_streambuf<char_type,traits_type>* sb);
copy (2)
basic_iostream& (const basic_iostream&) = delete;
move (3)
protected: basic_iostream& (basic_iostream&& x);
Construct object
Constructs a basic_iostream object.

(1) inititalization constructor
Assigns initial values to the components of its base classes by calling the constructors its base classes basic_istream and basic_ostream with sb as argument.
Notice that this calls member basic_ios::init twice.
(2) copy constructor (deleted)
Deleted: no copy constructor.
(3) move constructor (protected)
Acquires the contents of x, except its associated stream buffer: It calls basic_istream's constructor with move(x) as argument, transferring some of x's internal components to the object: x is left with a gcount value of zero, not tied, and with its associated stream buffer unchanged (all other components of x are in an unspecified but valid state after the call).


pointer to a basic_streambuf object with the same template parameters as the basic_iostream object.
char_type and traits_type are member types defined as aliases of the first and second class template parameters, respectively (see basic_iostream types).
Another basic_iostream of the same type (with the same class template arguments charT and traits).

Data races

The object pointed by sb may be accessed and/or modified.

Exception safety

If an exception is thrown, the only side effects may come from accessing/modifying sb.

See also