Windows Programming - January 2020

by HJ3475
Bit management with bool
Hi! I have written this code, but I'm not sure that it's right because my program cannot compile, I don't know why. If someone could prove it and tell me if it ...
[1 reply] : Hello HJ3475, I can't seem to view your code. Could you try and post ... (by eugenedakin)
MFC with GDI+ DPI aware
Hi I want to make an MFC app which displays controls on the left and a bitmap with some graphics on the right. My problem is now, how do I have to draw the gra...
[2 replies] Last: Hello hundsmiachn, After doing lots of work on this in 2016, HiDPI d... (by eugenedakin)
by Hex213
CLR (function, .cpp) Visual studio
Hi. Can someone explain what a .cpp file doing for form? And how do I run a custom function from any button? Thanks in advance.
[2 replies] Last: the .cpp files for forms are generated classes that define the form (a... (by jonnin)
by atatat
How to get TaskManager process CPU usage programmatically
Recently I had a chance to realize that PerfMon "\\Process\\% Processor Time" for the single process, is actually different counter than "CPU usage", displayed ...
[12 replies] Last: atatat ! Such a great idea. I think that your question is an interest... (by rollerbladegirl)
How to build a Peer to Peer P2P Network??
Hello. My name is Enrique. I am planning to build a P2P network. It can be very simple, and it is intended to be run on Windows, XP and 7. How i can do this?? ...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks for your help. (by enriquemesa8080)
UDP Socket
I recently found that when I create an UDP socket, bind it to a local address and port, then try to receive data, which I know is being transmitted over my W...
[2 replies] Last: RecvAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); Remove the htonl(), yo... (by kbw)
MS-DOS Quake
I am looking for the Quake MS-DOS project, id only posted the WinQuake and GLQuake versions, I want the original project. Help! :)
[5 replies] Last: Good point but it would appear it would only be available from a dodgy... (by againtry)
Running a thread alongside win32
I'm trying to run an SFML window at the same time as my simple win32 application. The idea is to have a win32 window taking input from the user and then SFML wi...
[3 replies] Last: The most basic Windows applications start with a single thread. The fu... (by CarlTY)
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