General C++ Programming - January 2020 (Page 5)

Cross-Platform C++ Development
Hi, I am going to start a Game Engine project shortly, and I wanted to get some help from experienced devs and discuss this matter. My project will be cross-pla...
[1 reply] : The easiest way to handle such things is for you to pick an existing c... (by Repeater)
by ruzip
Integer to object pointer and back again in a function
I need to create an object and return it back as an integer anssalso convert an int to a class/object pointer in a function as a parameter and back again as int...
[7 replies] Last: Great! working on a few test, but I have not tested it thoroughly. p... (by ruzip)
namespace and operator << overload
I'm having a problem overloading the << operator when I use a namespace. namespace XYZ { class OBJTYPE { // class members void Format (ostream & os...
[10 replies] Last: it is just fine without, all you need is to fully name OBJTYPE, What... (by againtry)
Goto skipping cin
Hi, I'm kinda new to c++ and programming in general. I'm trying to make a program that simply makes u create a text file. In this first part I'm trying to make ...
[1 reply] : The stream either got too many character or broke, you need to add thi... (by zapshe)
Input of Elements Not Acting as Should.
This program is to take an array of random numbers ranging from 10, 100, 1000 elements. The program is behaving correctly with 10 elements. When I input 100, an...
[7 replies] Last: PS I decided to try beyond 100 and got up to about 250 successfully. 7... (by againtry)
by eladb
error while using template with ostream operator (1,2)
Hi all, i have some issue, i'm trying to ceate class as template and use iostream operator overloading as well. for some cause, i got some error -> Severit...
[24 replies] Last: You have shown yourself to be an obnoxious, ill-bred, foul-mouthed lo... (by againtry)
by jemeu
Making questions where user inputs words and integers.
So I'm having some issues making a questionnaire type program here is my code: #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> #include<fstream> u...
[1 reply] : Mixing std::getline and std::cin causes input problems. std::cin... (by George P)
by volang
Little deeper on how send() and recv() works
I want to get a better understanding of how send() and recv() functions works. When my server is connected to a client and I use send(), nothing seems to hav...
[16 replies] Last: Yes, I'll read more about it, see what I can find. Thanks anyway man.... (by volang)
by jemeu
Need help with homework
Here's a picture of the worksheet. There's no source code like what it says in instruction 2. Just wanna know how would you gu...
[10 replies] Last: @lastchance, that's brilliant (by mbozzi)
by ruzip
Static linking problem with MinGW
I'm having static linking problems with a library that is set for DLL. I would like to build as static library .a and dll library depending on the setup below. ...
[1 reply] : problem solved. somehow I have a backup file that is the one included ... (by ruzip)
by bibo
Segmentation fault on set assignment
typedef struct { pair<int,int> cr; set<pair<int, int>> mem; int cost; bool changeX; }Node; Node* gn() { return (Node *)malloc(sizeo...
[6 replies] Last: Without any access specifiers changing the struct to a class would... (by TheIdeasMan)
sorted Linked list
Could you please help me in coding a linked list that can sort at the time of inserting an item in c++ #include <iostream> using namespace std; ...
[1 reply] : What do you need help with? It seems that you have an insert function ... (by jlb)
Basic Sorting Algorithm
Hello all. I am going to take an algorithm analysis class which starts next week. I have very little knowledge of algorithms but I decided to try and code a ba...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks jonnin I will look it over. If I may ask, why does the switch... (by jgialis)
by volang
SetConsoleOutputCP(CP_UTF8) no output
Hello. Hope you all are doing well! When I use SetConsoleOutputCP(CP_UTF8) only the first 4-6 cout calls gets outputed in the console, nothing else gets outp...
[no replies]
initialise empty map in class constructor
hey coders, sorry as i am fairly new to c++ but i have a private map in a class, I am trying to initialise the map to be empty when the constructor of the cla...
[6 replies] Last: Hi, there I am also new to c++ and must say I am so surprised about al... (by Bra599)
Eigen library
Hello, I faced a problem in solving sparse linear system of the form: A*x = b where: A - is squared, symmetric and sparse matrix. note: the matrix A co...
[5 replies] Last: Time taken to solve augmented 300 x 300 matrix 226486 microseconds Bl... (by againtry)
Why do these two irregular regions blink?
They blink. They both show up, but they both blink. If I comment out either one of them then the other shows up without blinking. Question: How do I get these...
[11 replies] Last: Thanks againtry. Is that better? @rollerbladegirl In the cut and t... (by againtry)
a must-non constant alias argument with its default argument must be constant
How do we code a must-non constant alias argument with its default argument must be constant as it's being non referenced ? as this fail Bar { int on; Bar...
[1 reply] : If you're trying to declare a struc you need the prefix struct in fr... (by H00G0)
std::this_thread is seen as undeclared
I was writing a slow-text output function that took use of C++ 11's `std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(delay));` I finished up the script an...
[15 replies] Last: Robonics: No problem, I also made assumptions that were wrong :) You a... (by Ganado)
CppCast: OpenVDB
Rob and Jason are joined by Ken Museth the CEO of Voxel Tech. They first discuss a blog post about std::embed and the new version of Qt that was just released. ...
[no replies]
January 2020 Pages: 1... 34567... 9
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