please fix the HEAP CORRUPTION DETECTED error

I run a growtopia private server and have been recently getting server crashes
due to HEAP CORRUPTION DETECTED error when joining certain worlds.

The code is here on pastebin:
can someone please fix the issue and reupload to a new paste?

it would be incredibly helpful as my main coder is in the hospital and I don't understand c++ good at all....
If the array only has a size of 69 bytes, then surely lines like
        memcpy(data + 66, &loled, 4);
        memcpy(data + 68, &state, 4);

        memcpy(data + 67, &yeetus, 5);
        memcpy(data + 68, &state, 4);

are all going out of bounds.

Also, you should delete[] a new[]'d array, not just delete.
i.e. delete[] data;

Btw, I assume some sort of clean up is needed to free the data presumably created by the enet_packet_create call.

That code looks as if a troll made it.
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> memcpy(data + 67, &yeetus, 5);
> memcpy(data + 68, &state, 4);
You have some very strange offsets and lengths.

First, let's assume that int's are 4 bytes on your machine, and that the endians of the peer machines is the same (see )

1 - yeetus is only 4 bytes, but you copy 5
2 - you lose most of yeetus when you overwrite it with state

It's 4 (FOUR) not 5 - meh, thanks ne555
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> Also, you should delete[] a new[]'d array,
or, as the size is known at compile time, don't use dynamic memory allocation
BYTE data[69];

> yeetus is only 5 bytes, but you copy 5
¿? ¿why that would be a problem?
It looks like data is the data portion of a packet of some sort. Do you know the format of that packet? Without knowing what the format is supposed to be, it's hard to know how to fix the problems.
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