SNMP Trap/Informs listener

Hello, I am trying to write an SNMP trap/inform listener but I cannot figure out the smartest way to do it. I've looked into net snmp, but they only provide help for SNMP scanners. Maybe I could listen on a socket on a specific port. Does anyone have some experience in this field?
Can you figure out the dumbest way to do it?

Seriously, you begin with the idea and some simplified experiments to test your ideas. You learn something in the process and improve.

That's how software is written.

Not some dude on a forum saying 'here you go', and you thinking you've learnt something. If you want to learn to cook, you need to get into the kitchen. You're not going to learn by going to restaurants and reading menus.

> Maybe I could listen on a socket on a specific port.
Well that's pretty much how every protocol begins.
I forget, is wireshark opensource?
Wireshark is a free and open-source packet analyzer. It is used for network troubleshooting, analysis, software and communications protocol development, and education.
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