Confused on how to finish this program. C++ Encryption and Decryption using Caesar Cipher and Substitution.

Very lost on the caesar cipher I got the substitution cipher working and close to finishing can anyone help me figure out how to get the caesar cipher working? I've spent 3 hours and can't figure out how to finish this program...

using namespace std;

class Substitution {
int key;
string input;
bool encipher;
Substitution(string msg, bool enc) :
input(msg), encipher(enc) {}

//the function for encryption/decryption (Substitution algorithm)
string substitution();
class Cipher
virtual string encode(string) = 0;
virtual string decode(string) = 0;


//the function for encryption/decryption (Substitution algorithm)
string Substitution::substitution()

do {
cout << "Enter key in 1..25>> ";
cin >> key;

if (key > 25 || key < 1)
cout << "KEY ERROR";
//check KEY: if encryption/decryption is possibly

} while (key > 25 || key < 1);

string output = "";

for (int i = 0; i < input.size(); ++i)
if (isalpha(input[i])) //if letter
//offset='A' for upper letter, offset='a' for lowel letter
char offset = isupper(input[i]) ? 'A' : 'a';

//find shift for current letter for encryption (key) or for decryption (26 - key)
int shift = encipher ? key : 26 - key;

//convert letter (shift letter)
char ch = (char)(((input[i] + shift - offset) % 26) + offset);
output += ch;
//non letter
output += input[i];


return output;

//the function for encryption/decryption (Substitution algorithm)
// Encryption

int main() {
Encrypt a string entered by the user
Choose between two different encryption methods
Decrypt a string entered by the user
Choose between two different decryptions methods
Decrypt without knowing the encryption method (provide all possible outputs)

string source = "";
int option;

do {

cout << "\nEnter the text>> " << flush;
getline(cin, source);
cin.ignore(256, '\n');

cout << "Make your choice" << endl;
cout << "\t1. Substitution cipher, encrypt" << endl;
cout << "\t2. Substitution cipher, decrypt" << endl;
cout << "\t3. Transposition cipher, encrypt" << endl;
cout << "\t4. Transposition cipher, decrypt" << endl;
cout << "\t5. Decrypt without knowing the encryption method (provide all possible outputs)" << endl;
cout << "\t6. Exit" << endl;
cout << ">> ";
cin >> option;

string result;

switch (option) {
case 1: {
Substitution s(source, true);
result = s.substitution();
cout << endl << "The encryption string:\n" << result << "\n";
case 2: {
Substitution s(source, false);
result = s.substitution();
cout << endl << "The decryption string:\n" << result << "\n";
case 3: {
Substitution t(source, true);
result = t.substitution();
cout << endl << "The decryption string:\n" << result << "\n";
case 4: {
Substitution t(source, false);
result = t.substitution();

cout << endl << "The decryption string:\n" << result << "\n";

case 5: {
Substitution t(source, false);
result = t.substitution();
cout << endl << "The decryption (Caesar Cipher) string:\n" << result << "\n";

Substitution s(source, false);
result = s.substitution();
cout << endl << "The decryption (substitution) string:\n" << result << "\n";

case 6:
cout << endl << "Goodbye!" << endl;
} while (option != 6);

return 0;
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