Need a Code for making a Cube design

I am searching for c++ code to make a cube design . so do anyone done that before i need help. thanks
I, too, am a fan of cube design.

The design of iconic cubes, such as Red Cube by Isamu Noguchi, or perhaps famous Cubist sculptures such as Female Head by Amedeo Modigliani, can be an inspiration to us all.

I have only ever designed cubes in C++ by rendering them with OpenGL. Is that what you're asking for?
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I've found lots of code for cube design.

I searched the internet for it.
Hello Furry
Can you suggest me a link where i can get the code and also the code can able to run . I am using code blocks compiler. thanks
> I am searching for c++ code to make a cube design
No dice (gettit? a cube - I'm here all week, thanks for coming).

Hi Ganado
I am trying to find simple cube design code using c++ , if u have idea about simple cube code , please help me with the link than i can go through
I has a cube ;)
#include <iostream>
int main()
    << "  +-+" << std::endl
    << " / /|" << std::endl
    << "+-+ +" << std::endl
    << "| |/ " << std::endl
    << "+-+  " << std::endl

 / /|     
+-+ +     
| |/      

Or maybe you want a 3D printed cube....

You need to be specific!
Just saying "I want a cube in c++" over and over doesn't advance the conversation.

What do you want?
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Youze wanna link, I got a link right here:

Just how hard is is to type into a search engine "cube design c++"?
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Hi Furry
i try to find in google. But whatever code i get can't able to run. So thats why i want a code from someone who already able to run . Than i can try that if that can't able to run than i can ask his/her help.
hi salem,
i want a code that can create the cube not the cube deign. like as
you can check this one, but when i try to compile in codeblocks it show error as C:\Users\Shawo\Downloads\cube\main.cpp|32|fatal error: GL/glut.h: No such file or directory

Right, so which OS are you running code blocks on?

You see, the next thing is to download/install the appropriate OpenGL libraries for your particular OS/Compiler combination.
By the look of the directory tree I'd conjecture some form of Windows.

i want a code from someone who already able to run

So you want US to do all the work for you. FOR FREE.

Fat chance of that happening.
I was right! It was about graphics/opengl.

I don't recommend GLUT.
I would learn modern OpenGL from
Yes, one of the early tutorials makes and textures a cube.
You need to either use GLEW or GLAD to load the OprnGL functionality.
hi salem
i am using windows 10
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