Homework Help

I need some help. This program needs to be able to read sales data from a text file. The items it needs are a product number which is an integer, a product name which is a string no longer than 12 characters and which does not contain spaces, a unit price which is a sold, a number of units sold which is an integer. I have done all these things and cannot get it to read properly from the text file. :/

int main() {

ifstream salesFile;
string productName;
int unitsSold, productNumber;
double unitPrice;
Data* productArray[100];
Data* aProduct;
int numProduct = 0;

while (salesFile >> productName )

salesFile >> unitPrice >> unitsSold >> productNumber >> productName;
aProduct = new Data;
aProduct->name = productName;
aProduct->number = productNumber;
aProduct->sold = unitsSold;
aProduct->price = unitPrice;

productArray[numProduct++] = aProduct;

cout << aProduct->number << " " << "The Product is " << aProduct->name << " With Total Sales of $ " << aProduct->sold << " " << endl;
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> The items it needs are a
>> product number which is an integer,
>> a product name which is a string no longer than 12 characters and which does not contain spaces,
>> a unit price which is a sold,
>> a number of units sold which is an integer.
a) why are you reading productName first, when apparently the first field is a number.
b) why are you reading produceName twice.

You start with this, to convince yourself that you can read the file properly and consistently.
while ( salesFile >> productNumber >> productName >> unitPrice >> unitsSold ) {
  cout << "Data=" << productNumber << endl;

Only then do you start adding all your data processing code.

//Coded by: Mitchell Godbold
// This program will allow you to read sales data from a given text file and which will display the name and revenue
// of the top two selling products given.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

struct Data
string name;
int number;
double price;
int sold;
int main() {

ifstream salesFile;
string productName;
int unitsSold, productNumber;
double unitPrice;
Data* productArray[100];
Data* aProduct;
int numProduct = 0;

while (salesFile >> productNumber >> productName >> unitPrice >> unitsSold)

aProduct = new Data;
aProduct->name = productName;
aProduct->number = productNumber;
aProduct->sold = unitsSold;
aProduct->price = unitPrice;

productArray[numProduct++] = aProduct;

cout << productNumber << " " << productName << " " << unitPrice << " " << unitsSold << endl;


So I FINALLY figured out the issue but I still need to figure out where to place a bubble sort in the program to sort them by revenue and then find a spot to place a function to find the first highest revenue and the second. If you could help me figure out the code for these or even where to place them it would be a major help
If you do nothing else, PLEASE learn to use code tags. They make it easier to read and comment on your source.


Hint, you can edit your posts and add code tags.
Why do you have an array of pointers?
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