Beginners - October 2020 (Page 10)

by deputy
Print out array values in pairs
Hello everyone.Proabably it's quite simple, but i'm kind a stuck with one thing my task is to make queue with pop and push functions and also have to display th...
[5 replies] Last: againtry's code... #include<iostream> int main() { const int size=6... (by anup30)
HTML file analysis
Ok, so firstly, I've seen a few archived topics on this subject, I just haven't found a proper answer to my question. I have 2 Questions on the subject: 1. M...
[5 replies] Last: Hello PacificAtlantic, Some little things to get you started: #incl... (by Handy Andy)
Compare cout and text files in strings
Hello guys im new here. I need to write some code which compare my password with passwords stored it file Dictionaries.txt if string are the same cout bad pass ...
[3 replies] Last: Surely you want the state for passOk reversed? false if not found and ... (by seeplus)
Insert into array in sorted order
I have a txt file of employees with their names, skills and years of experience with that skill. I'm storing their names in ascending order as they are read fro...
[4 replies] Last: when sorting data you need to have a "temp " variable that takes the c... (by learningcplusplus898)
Storing information in separate Linked Lists
I have a list of names of employees and number of skills, along with the name of the skills and its corresponding years of experience. The employee names and nu...
[6 replies] Last: Ok, I see you created a new Node, I tried it and it worked, thank you (by ElleJay)
Triangle-type checker, what am I missing?
Hey folks! I have a partially functioning triangle-checking program which wants to output everything as scalene. I cannot figure out why this is. My apologie...
[5 replies] Last: In the triangleShape function, control will go past the end of the fun... (by Ganado)
C++ Sudoku Solver - why is it that slow?
Hey, I am new to C++ and I am trying to code a sudoku solver that makes use of recursive function calls. It seems like it would work with pretty simple su...
[10 replies] Last: FWIW, here is the original code modified with Dutch's suggestion to wo... (by dhayden)
Read integers from file with text in C++
Hello, I want to read the integers from a file with numbers and letters. For example the file is file.txt: kdgfg8aa 907dffd99ss kaasjelgg65 9h6hb0v32 Then I...
[6 replies] Last: seeplus seems to be implying that there may be something wrong with my... (by dutch)
While loops with sentinels.
Hello all. I am trying to figure out what I did wrong. I keep coming to a brick wall. My professor wants us to use a while loop, and have 3 different people tes...
[10 replies] Last: As soon as she gets back to me I will let you all know. She said she h... (by jadams0904)
How would I detect an invalid operator
How would I detected an invalid argument like these. +212+21-2 12+3 +3-1 ect I tried counting the amount of operators but it didnt work, I also couldnt find any...
[7 replies] Last: bool getVal( string input, double &result ) { string remainder; ... (by seeplus)
std::function vs raw function pointer
Hi all, I wanted to hear your thoughts regarding std::function std::function<void()> callback; and raw function pointers void (*fooPtr)(void) ...
[8 replies] Last: The lambda has a capture clause........... (by seeplus)
.h file is giving me issues
I'm writing a program to convert infix to postfix notation. For some weird reason my 'list.h' file keeps giving me this error "error C2953: 'List': class templa...
[3 replies] Last: From when you designed this (and you did design before starting to cod... (by seeplus)
Undefined reference to function that is defined
I have been getting an error from my code that says undefined reference to "`printVector(std::vector<Valorant, std::allocator<Valorant> >&)' collect2: error:...
[4 replies] Last: void fillVector(vector< Valorant > list); should be: void fill... (by seeplus)
by Daerk
Any tips on how to solve this problem?
Problem is in the link below:
[1 reply] : Solution is in the link below: (by salem c)
How do you access linked list stored in array?
I want to store some employee information in 2 structs linked together by Node *top. Each employee should have their own linked list, but this code piles all th...
[2 replies] Last: I just realized the error, I had it in my other code. I've fixed it no... (by ElleJay)
If you can't assign const char array, what is the other way?
I'm developing an app for Android with JNI and I'm making a array list to display them in multiple spinners (dropdown) with multiple arrays The thing is you ca...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks guys, I ended up doing other way And fixed that if-statement wi... (by emanresu)
Summing the indices of repeating numbers
Hello everyone, I am a beginner of C++ and doing some execercises. I am blocked in a point. I have a list like this s=[2 2 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 5 1 4 2] I need...
[7 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <numeric> using namesp... (by lastchance)
Error convert argument const char to char
Hi, I am learning inheritance, and having an issue with a piece of my code. I am having an error when I try and create the object which says no instance of the ...
[9 replies] Last: and others? Like which? It's a highly non-portable function (especi... (by lastchance)
Repeating a function
New to C++ and programming in general. In my class my professor is asking us to create a user guided random number generator. Im having an issue with repeating ...
[4 replies] Last: Why don't 'professors' teach C++ random number generator and not the C... (by seeplus)
by Radar
Help initialising vectors
Hello there! I'm having issues initialising vectors on my system and I would love some help! #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> ...
[1 reply] : The constructor that accepts an initializer_list was instroduced in c+... (by coder777)
October 2020 Pages: 1... 8910111213
  Archived months: [sep2020] [nov2020]

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