Beginners - June 2020 (Page 6)

Problem while reading Greek Letters from a file
Hi I am new on C++ but I have experience on other languages I have the following code: streampos begin,end; char delimeter...
[2 replies] Last: What exactly is the problem? You should be able to search for the comm... (by dutch)
read string and int in template
I am trying to read a file and search through the file to find the input but getting a little trouble with it I have the template as: template <clas...
[3 replies] Last: If you show us how the file is formatted, someone might be able to hel... (by Ganado)
Same random numbers from method call
I'm having trouble with a part of a method I am trying to write that first generates a random number to determine the number of line items that will be part of ...
[7 replies] Last: checking to see if you have like 5 items out of 100 (that is 0-100 pos... (by jonnin)
by sturk
C++ Unsure of minor implementation
Hi, I am in need of urgent help. I am unsure of how to implement the computation of the average of my vector points of x and y in my polygon's constructor. I ha...
[4 replies] Last: Hey thanks. I got it! Appreciate it alot man:) (by sturk)
print uint32_t variable different?
I tried print a variable declared as uint32_t and print. But print result is different with I think. QW09:~/cpp_test$ vim include <iost...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks. I don't know add leading zero will convert to base8. (by lampahome)
Quicksort and rearrange alphabetically
5. USING YOUR FULL NAME AND DATE OF BIRTH IN WORDS, perform a quicksort to arrange your name in alphabetical order
[1 reply] : you forgot to post your code and any kind of sensible question (this i... (by jonnin)
writing to file (file handling)
hi i need help with my project. i want the following information to be written on file but i cant understand how to. [int doctordetail; cout<<"\t**************...
[3 replies] Last: I do believe different names, but the same idea. http://www.cplusplus.... (by Handy Andy)
Passing object to static method
Hello experts! I am using the function _beginthread to start a new thread. But its callback is static and I want to keep my processing in the class. So my ques...
[2 replies] Last: salem c, It worked perfectly. Thank you very much! (by wolfgangt)
Why isn't working the powering of number ?
Why isn't working the powering of number on the real time calculater ? #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> int main(int argc, const char * argv ) {...
[4 replies] Last: Well you ignored the previous thread of yours to use pow() https://www... (by salem c)
I already done the menu part, but next few parts, i have no idea how to write. #include <iostream> using namespace std; void Plaintocypher(int selection)...
[6 replies] Last: Reneejong, You need to understand that we aren't in your class. We ar... (by dhayden)
help with a fill in the code exercise
I've been trying to figure this "finish the code" section on this online book i am doing. and for some reason i am at a lost. the program allows you to convert ...
[3 replies] Last: Be sure to change only what is what's marked with ". . . " in the orig... (by dhayden)
Looking for methods to a exit a program
Hiya, folks. My quandary is fairly simple. I'm looking for ways to set the program so that it may not exit with any button press, and instead exit at will ex...
[3 replies] Last: I think we're overthinking it here. How about something like, // Exa... (by Ganado)
How do i avoid repeats of numbers when obtaining random numbers?
I made this vector filled with randomly generated numbers. I do not want repeats. is there any way I could do this without using random shuffle? using namesp...
[5 replies] Last: Is Fisher-Yates a likely implementation of std::shuffle ? http://www.... (by keskiverto)
Palandoken Number
A palindrome number containing 4 unique (unique, different) numbers is called the Palandöken Number. As it is known, the number read from the left and the righ...
[1 reply] : So what's your question? How to check them? How to generate them? (by salem c)
print array in function call
I want to print students name in ascending according to marks. i manage to do that but there is something wrong with my output. the name of students for test i...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you Andy. Really appreciate your respond. I understand all your ... (by murasaki98)
Verifying if a nr is prime. Program not running fully
Hi! I am new to C++ and I am trying to learn on my own, so I tried to make a program that verifies if a number is prime or not. It shows no errors and when I ru...
[5 replies] Last: Add this function before main. void wait_key() { std::cout << "** h... (by Thomas1965)
How can i add powering ?
How can i add Powering ? (I added Addition ,Subtraction ,Multiplication ,Division , Modulus) But i couldnt add Powering. #include <stdio.h> int main() ...
[2 replies] Last: salem, this person has already been shown the link for using code tags... (by George P)
Can anyone guide me regarding implementation of data structures using SFML?
Hello! I have been assigned a project to implement arrays, linked list and hashing using SFML on visual studio. I have applied the required setting for sfml on ...
[3 replies] Last: This is what I have done so far. It's printing a square on-screen. No ... (by lost110)
Initializing class with string constructor?
Hi, trying to make a class with some member functions that basically just gathers a name from the declaration and allows you to add_quiz(int score) and get the ...
[2 replies] Last: Yep, that did 'er. Thanks. (by dakotad8218)
Why is it giving Compiler time error?
Why is it giving Compiler time error? 1. #include <stdio.h> 2. void foo() 3. { 4. return 1; 5. } 6. void main() 7. { 8. int x = 0; 9. x = ...
[5 replies] Last: PLEASE learn to use code tags, they make reading and commenting on sou... (by George P)
June 2020 Pages: 1... 45678... 12
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