
l is lower-bound. r is upper bound for the array part to search. This is binary search by recursion for a sorted array.
The naming of the variables/function parameters is really bad. If the person who wrote this code had bothered with creating more descriptive names the code could have self-documented what was going on.

string rec(int lower_bounds, int upper_bounds, int arr[], int arr_size) for example.

Using single letter variable names in a for loop is acceptable, because the scope is more restrictive.

It also has historical reasons.

"It's always been done that way" shouldn't be an excuse for not self-documenting code with good explanatory variable names.
He's used l for left and r for right - taking left as lower bound and right for upper bound. m is for middle.

> int m = (l+r)/2;
This should be written as
int m = l + (r-l)/2;
The former is basically the world's oldest overflow bug waiting to happen.
Having arrays of billions of items is easy to do now, especially on 64-bit architectures.
So it's all too easy to end up with an array that would overflow integer arithmetic.

> int a[n];
This isn't valid C++.
Use new[] or a std::vector.
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:) :) :)
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