First project

Ok so I am just beginning a Project and i have a plan what it should be able to do. I am super bgeinner but i usually am really fast learning and get into stuff easily, all i would need help with is a few keywords on what to look up to get it done.

The idea, i want the Programm to be able to post something in a discord server, get data that is postet by another bot and then calculate something. Ofc that means i first have to find a way for it to access discord and post something.

Can someone give me some keywords as to what is needed to get this done. Thanks in advance!
What you're describing doesn't sound like a beginner project and it might actually be more efficient to do in a language with lots of support for web server communication (i.e., python, Javascript). Not that this program will take much code, it'll be difficult if you don't already know how server-client web applications work.

You're going to be developing a discord client application which retrieves messages from a chat session with a bot. Usually when you're communicating with these web services, you'll want to look at their API (Application Programming Interface). I think of APIs as a collection of message/authentication protocols and method calls, published by the server application developers, to allow API consumers (you, the programmer, wishing to create a client application) to do stuff programmatically.

Usually, a google search of "SERVICE developer API" will bring you to their page. In your case: "Discord developer API"

I can't help you beyond this because I'm not a web developer but look for tutorials on how to use web apis.
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C++ would most likely be a silly choice for this task.
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