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    Specifying a file address?   [Beginners]
    Hi, I am getting an error when trying to specify a file path for my program. It says "failed to open file for writing". I searched around google but couldn't f...
    [1 reply] : Fixed. As it turns out C++ doesn't support creating of folders. The ... (by Cyclone)
    _Safe_add checks for overflow but does not do anything to report the problem!   [General C++ Programming]
    Looking at VC++ source files I find in ratio the following: what is the purpose of _Safe_add_integer_arithmetic_overflow_error? inline void _Safe...
    [no replies]
    WinForms Resources, Moved Files   [Windows Programming]
    I'm working on a WinForms CLR project and I'm using VS 2022. All was well until I created new folders and moved files - everything was in the base project folde...
    [7 replies] Last: If you use source control you shouldn't need to manually copy things o... (by Ganado)
    templates class friends strong types   [General C++ Programming]
    Hello all, first a bit of background. Land Surveying involves many types of: Angles, Bearings; Distances; Co-ordinates; and there are many types adjustments ...
    [8 replies] Last: I read Jonathon Boccara's blog[/quote] That article is from 2016, C++... (by George PlusPlus)
    by zzzhhh
    Why const literal class is not a constexpr even if initialized from a constexpr?   [Beginners]
    class test{ public: constexpr test(){} constexpr int operator+(const test& rhs) const { return 1+rhs.x ; } int x = 10 ; }; cons...
    [4 replies] Last: Good point. I suppose you could remove x. I'm not sure what the point ... (by DizzyDon)
    printing C++ source file in VS2022 throws garbage   [Windows Programming]
    Hi, I have a C++ source file that when printing from VS2022 prints what seems garbage (actually it seems to be using a strange font which is impossible to u...
    [4 replies] Last: any chance one or all of your code snippet settings use the "Cascadia"... (by jonnin)
    Unhandled Exception: System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is... (1,2)   [Beginners]
    Hi, I am getting an error when I run my program. the error is... Unhandled Exception: System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write prote...
    [26 replies] Last: you can choose to hunt down some of the offending memory hogs and mov... (by seeplus)
    GLIBCXX_3.4.32 not found - Debian 12   [UNIX/Linux Programming]
    Hello! I have installed Debian 12. GCC(c++/g++) upgraded to 13.3.0 from source. But I still having error when I try to run my old programs(were compiled by g++-...
    [7 replies] Last: For comparison: RHEL 9 / AlmaLinux 9 does default to GCC 11, just like... (by keskiverto)
    unresolved external symbol "int const value"   [General C++ Programming]
    One file states: extern const int value; extern const int this_cpp; const int mine = value; const int yours = 40; [/code] and another cpp states ...
    [1 reply] : Your other.cpp file also needs to say extern, otherwise it's taken to ... (by salem c)
    How to improve my C/C++ posts to CplusPlus forum   [General C++ Programming]
    I would like to know how to increase the enjoyment and benefit of my posts to the readers of the CplusPLus forum. May I have your input on the following impro...
    [3 replies] Last: This isn't like a certain well known site where they delete your ques... (by George PlusPlus)