by mnm71
how to cast current system time in array??
[4 replies] Last: i think solved it ........tnx string date(){ time_t rawtime; stru... (by mnm71)
by hornet07
Mario game
[2 replies] Last: Thank you. I'll get right on that :D (by hornet07)
by sungrab
Help with this program
[1 reply] : http://www.cplusplus.c... (by mutexe)
by dumbAnswer
Winows pre built code issue.
[1 reply] : I notice when I run this through the debugger, It breaks here Dispatch... (by dumbAnswer)
by doozer45
running an application within a vc++ progam
[10 replies] Last: If you're having to cast a string you ARE doing something VERY wrong. ... (by andywestken)
Using Functions In a DLL |
[3 replies] Last: There's actually an article on this website covering "Making a Plugin ... (by Texan40)
by ThaiVanPhat
MFC Shell Tree Control
[1 reply] : You probably want to look at GetOpenFileName() : https://msdn.microsof... (by Texan40)
by roteg
move selected files in active explorer to anywhere?
[no replies]
by Sh0es
VC++ Compiler Error Sorting Strings
[7 replies] Last: <string.h> is the header for the standard C (not C++) string functions... (by andywestken)
need help pls |
[1 reply] : Post your code so far. (by Codermik)
by gkropp
Serial port differences between WinXP & Win7
[14 replies] Last: I didn't find any, but it's possible that there is some tricks going o... (by gkropp)
by rajcrec
Need to select a cell or range in excel, from C++ code
[15 replies] Last: INTERFACE IDBIND XLApplication MEMBER GET Application <148> () A... (by freddie1)
by daltonv297
Is this acceptable code?
[4 replies] Last: The Windows operating system will clear up all resources that a progra... (by andywestken)
by rajcrec
Need to open a sheet from one workbook in another
[1 reply] : Is that possible ? Yes! See the MSDN documentation for details. The... (by andywestken)
by dc2000
Internet Explorer displays a blank page when opening a local file while screen is off
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the reply. I think I got to the bottom of it (sort of.) It ... (by dc2000)
by UserNano15
How to learn Win32
[8 replies] Last: The WinAPI files that ships with a lot of compilers are incomplete and... (by Computergeek01)
by Cambalinho
win32 - memory leaks with my Region functions
[4 replies] Last: Tath you give me an idea: class region { private: BYTE* Get24Bi... (by Cambalinho)
by dmngu9
adding functionality for function member
[1 reply] : Well that depends on what you want to do, by adding functionality do y... (by ultifinitus)
by HellfireXP
Exception catching question
[1 reply] : Allegro is written in C so it doesn't throw exceptions. If you read t... (by Peter87)
by tapir2
What's that Windows Library that's 'in' at the moment? WTL, ATL,.net , or MFC?
[5 replies] Last: C# is definately more popular and has much faster development times. ... (by tapir2)