Windows Programming - May 2015 (Page 2)

by mnm71
how to cast current system time in array??
i want to get time and date singly and cast in to array i have peroblem to cast in array ,unsigned int new_date= date(d,m,y) is true?? cout<<new_date<<endl; ...
[4 replies] Last: i think solved it ........tnx string date(){ time_t rawtime; stru... (by mnm71)
Mario game
Hi. I'm looking to make a simple Mario-like game but it is kind of difficult being my first ever attempt at trying to make a game. So far, I have a game fram...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you. I'll get right on that :D (by hornet07)
Help with this program
I need help with creating this program. This is my first and last programing class. 1) Create a class called Rectangle. It should have values for le...
[1 reply] : http://www.cplusplus.c... (by mutexe)
Winows pre built code issue.
So I am attempting to build a rather prehistoric snake game. These are my types..Cell,Grid, Snake, and now the introduction of a GameObject. The task at hand w...
[1 reply] : I notice when I run this through the debugger, It breaks here Dispatch... (by dumbAnswer)
running an application within a vc++ progam
I am trying to create a Visual C++ 2010 program that will call another application and close right away after it calls the app. I need to pass in parameter that...
[10 replies] Last: If you're having to cast a string you ARE doing something VERY wrong. ... (by andywestken)
Using Functions In a DLL
I have a function that is loaded via the LoadLibrary function and I am woundering if there is a way to use a function defined in the program, in a dll. So im...
[3 replies] Last: There's actually an article on this website covering "Making a Plugin ... (by Texan40)
MFC Shell Tree Control
I want to load image from my computer. I think I should use shell tree control, but I don't know how to use it. Somebody can help me ?
[1 reply] : You probably want to look at GetOpenFileName() : https://msdn.microsof... (by Texan40)
by roteg
move selected files in active explorer to anywhere?
Hello, I need the simplest way to check if a file explorer window is active and move the selected files/folders to a specified temp folder.
[no replies]
by Sh0es
VC++ Compiler Error Sorting Strings
I'm testing three different methods for sorting strings. Unfortunately, the MSVC compiler is having trouble compiling a direct string comparison using the overl...
[7 replies] Last: <string.h> is the header for the standard C (not C++) string functions... (by andywestken)
need help pls
As the new teacher for your shs, design a software that will accept students grades for 6 subjects. The software will find the average of the grades and determi...
[1 reply] : Post your code so far. (by Codermik)
by gkropp
Serial port differences between WinXP & Win7
I've got an application that has been running successfully on a Windows XP. We are upgrading the computer to Windows 7, 64bit. The application runs correctly ...
[14 replies] Last: I didn't find any, but it's possible that there is some tricks going o... (by gkropp)
Need to select a cell or range in excel, from C++ code
Hello, I need something in C++, like: selectCell( excel sheet, cell no. ) selectRange( excel sheet, range ) I need to select a cell or range in C++ au...
[15 replies] Last: INTERFACE IDBIND XLApplication MEMBER GET Application <148> () A... (by freddie1)
Is this acceptable code?
Hello, I've been learning c++ for quite some time now, and I thought it was about time that I actually make something useful. So I researched how to make a win...
[4 replies] Last: The Windows operating system will clear up all resources that a progra... (by andywestken)
Need to open a sheet from one workbook in another
Hi all, I am running my code as an excel addin. I need to open a particular sheet from one workbook, as a new sheet in the workbook that I am running under. ...
[1 reply] : Is that possible ? Yes! See the MSDN documentation for details. The... (by andywestken)
by dc2000
Internet Explorer displays a blank page when opening a local file while screen is off
Hi everyone: I'm making a small MFC module that should generate a report (formatted using HTML) and then display it for a user on schedule at 8:30 AM every d...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the reply. I think I got to the bottom of it (sort of.) It ... (by dc2000)
How to learn Win32
Hello! I'm getting into windows programming and I'm wondering what is the best way to learn Win32 API and if you recommend any tutorials (maybe youtube) or book...
[8 replies] Last: The WinAPI files that ships with a lot of compilers are incomplete and... (by Computergeek01)
win32 - memory leaks with my Region functions
i have these 2 functions: BYTE* Get24BitPixels(HBITMAP pBitmap, WORD *pwWidth, WORD *pwHeight) { // a bitmap object just to get bitmap width and height BITM...
[4 replies] Last: Tath you give me an idea: class region { private: BYTE* Get24Bi... (by Cambalinho)
by dmngu9
adding functionality for function member
I have a base class with int area () return a int value I also have a subclass can adding functionality to this function and return a int value . However, t...
[1 reply] : Well that depends on what you want to do, by adding functionality do y... (by ultifinitus)
Exception catching question
I am having trouble setting up the following to successfully catch an exception (and more importantly not crash my program) when a bad file name is passed. Her...
[1 reply] : Allegro is written in C so it doesn't throw exceptions. If you read t... (by Peter87)
by tapir2
What's that Windows Library that's 'in' at the moment? WTL, ATL,.net , or MFC?
I'm a Computer Science student with some C++ experience and would eventually like to learn a windows GUI library. Some sites have warned that MFC is losing popu...
[5 replies] Last: C# is definately more popular and has much faster development times. ... (by tapir2)
May 2015 Pages: 123
  Archived months: [apr2015] [jun2015]

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