I've been doing some googling and assuming I have to use getfileinfo and displayimage for this task. And yes I am looking to display system icons for folders and files. I am reading through Petzold and making progress. Something like this to get the icon?
I am actually using dirent.h as file management and have found loads of stuff on ShGetFileInfo but I am getting confused with all the stuff on DrawIcon, DrawImage etc and there seems to be nothing written recently to help with displaying the icons! It all started like this....I have a Touchsmart TX2 and am interested in writing a touch screen file browser, but using treeview and list view aren't possible due to the layout I want to use. Java is fine but MT4J is a pig to work out, Windows has multitouch support as standard but the API is a dog and the multi touch support for linux is still in development. I have looked into Qt, which has problems with VS2010! I have the basic code to get files/folders from their locations and display them in a console, that is working fine, but to progress I need to graphically represent the files/folders so that I can use mouseover and mouse events and I am drawing a blank. I used to program in C at uni, many moons ago, so the structure of programs isn't an issue. I know what I want to do, but just can't seem to get it working. Oh well, I will keep on trying as learning VS, C++ and the WINAPI at the same time is a very steep learning curve....sigh...
I have a TX2, too! But so far I've only played with the touch screen samples (Microsoft and NTrig).
As I'm still using Vista, I had to install NTrig's DuoSense dll, which behaves very erratically with mouse gestures for me. Are you using Windows 7?
I also have Ubuntu (Lucid) responding to touch, but so far I've only had a go with Xournal. I don't know my way round Qt or GTK+ (?) well enough to work on a Linux touch screen app.