borland c++ v 3.1 problem

hi every body .. i need to know how i can run my programs that i made it with
borland c++ v.3.1 on windows??? ..... and can i make program like "windows media player" for example. with this compiler and make it run on windows. is that possible???
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You're looking for the compiler:
Yes, you can write a media player after years of practice, some time studying the involved formats, and preferably with someone else.
Finally, for a program to exist, someone must have written it; and if someone wrote it, it's because it's possible.
And for future questions, keep this in mind: we don't like questions that start with "can I...". We prefer "how could I..." or "what would ... involve?"

The few things we (programmers in general) can't talk computers into doing either don't make sense (e.g. "sort the books on my shelves") or require too much power or time (e.g. "crack this AES-256")
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Of course you can make a look a like windows media player, btw, you could also edit your own mediaplayer compactmodus..
just pick a compactmodus, seek for it in the wmp-map. Just edit it! Make some cool looking graphics;)

btw, did you already compiled something? Well, just installing, and running a exe will not work, you have to make some config files etc..
This could help you:

btw, its best to download the one in which Borland is included, because that has got the Newest version! Before that you just remove the previous borland: configuration: software: remove..

thank you alot.. and i'm working now with new compiler "dev-c++" but i need to know more information about this compiler..i mean if this compiler is good like "visual c++ 2008 " or not..?
Dev-C++ is not a compiler. It's an IDE ( ). It uses MinGW, which is a port to Windows of gcc, one of the best compilers if you want to make your programs portable. For Windows development, however, VC++ is better (IMO, anyway).
VC++ is not free, though. In either sense of the word. Although now there's the Express version which is free of charge and kinda okay, I guess. Although the IDE does have a few issues. IntelliSense is a steaming pile of manure, and the syntax highlighting sucks without VisualAssist (which isn't free, either).
But I just love the debugger.
Oh, yeah. VC++ has an issue with templates and headers which shouldn't bother you for the time being.

Of course, both IDEs are better than anything Borland has ever made.

One more thing: the MinGW version that comes with Dev-C++ is old (the latest version of the IDE was released in 2005). It has already given me a headache. I would update it to the latest one.
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ok,"helios" but now there is many questions on my mind..?and i need clear answer..
1.) what is the differance between "ide"and "compiler" and witch one is better to use it on programing windows ..?specialy networks programs on windows like chat program for example..?
2.) if you will answer compiler. witch one is better ..? "vc++"or"borlandc++ 5.5"..?
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IDE -> Integrated development environment

The IDE will help you write your code, it will have colors for keywords, help you with the functions definitions etc. The compiler is a program that will convert your code to machine code so it can run.
You can make a program by just using a compiler and a text editor.
If you only have an IDE then you can write your code but you have no way to compile it - turn it into machine code so you can run it.
Usually you want to combine your IDE and your compiler so you that your IDE will call the compiler and make the program.

Dev-C++ comes with the MinGW compiler (except if you download just the IDE).

VC++ Express Edition comes with Microsofts C++ compiler.

In both cases you will find a run button on the toolbar which automatically calls the compiler and run your program.

About which one is beter I don't know. I have only used MS VC++, probably somebody can tell you more about it.
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If you follow the links I posted you could read the difference by yourself:

"A compiler is a computer program (or set of programs) that translates text written in a computer language (the source language) into another computer language (the target language). The original sequence is usually called the source code and the output called object code."

"An integrated development environment (IDE) is a software application that provides comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software development. An IDE normally consists of a source code editor, a compiler and/or interpreter, build automation tools, and (usually) a debugger. Sometimes a version control system and various tools are integrated to simplify the construction of a GUI. Many modern IDEs also have a class browser, an object inspector, and a class hierarchy diagram, for use with object oriented software development."

It's not a question of which one is "better". An IDE without a compiler is hardly more than a text editor, but using a compiler on its own requires a ridiculous amount of effort for everything but the most trivial of tasks, which is why IDEs exist.
So a novice like yourself couldn't choose to use one or the other.

Now, then. Like I said before, VC++ (the compiler) is the best for Windows-only development. Keep in mind, though, that MS has a tendency to choose which parts of the standard to implement, and to whimsically add stuff like a few functions, etc.
But Borland is still the world champion at pulling stuff out of its a** and making up an entire library, which is why I don't recommend it for anything. As long as there are other better choices, it's easier to stay away from anything with "Turbo" in front of it.
Then there's gcc and it's two Windows ports, MinGW and Cygwin. Again, gcc is in my opinion THE compiler of choice and I try to make sure that everything I write can be compiled with it. Good optimization, best standard compliance, free... It's got it all. I strongly recommend that you start C++ compiling with it.

The choice of IDE is more trivial. Just about anything is good enough. Hell, for single file program you might as well use a text editor.
My latest two favorites are:
Code::Blocks for cross-platform development. VERY good IDE. Very customizable and it even automatically detects the compilers you've got installed. The debugger interface can still be improved, but it's very good anyway.
Visual Studio for Windows development. Did I mention how much I like the debugger?

And as plain text editor, Notepad++ for the win.

There. Is there anything else?

PS: Yeah, and don't put quote marks around people's names. It makes it sound ironic.

EDIT: Damn, did this reply took long.
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LoL ...
Doesn't matter, you explained it better :P

If you want to stick with plain text editors I would recommend UltraEdit 32 (you have to pay for it).
It is the best text editor I have ever seen, you can even make your own keywords for highlighting (if I wrote it correctly :P) ...
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