Installing SDL with Visual Studio

Hi i just installed Visual Studio and tried everything to install SDL library as i watched a video tutorial on youtube from MakingGameswithBen. I copied evertyhing what it said and linked all the libraries, but i get this error when i run
Unable to start program
The system cannot find the file specified.
Probably i have to create an exe file in debug folder because i dont have it.
(graphicstutorial is my empty project) How to do it?
The same problem with Codeblocks
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Are there any other error messages?
Normally Visual Studio will create the exe file for you when the build process is successful.
@Thomas1965 No other error messages.

The same problem with Codeblocks
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It is not the error of exe. I tried using SDL but I liked SFML better. You should try to use it for game programming.
@Stalker How's that related with what OP is asking?

As Thomas1965 said your build is probably failing. If you closed output window and for some reason it doesn't apper when you're building you could open it by going into View->Output then rebuild your project to make sure build is successful.
I offered him a better solution.
How's "use some other library" a better solution when his problem is compiling? Both libraries are powerful so it's OP's decision to pick one depending on his personal preferences.
If the other one is compiling and this one is not means it is one of the better solution.
His problem is not specific to SDL or SFML he basically cannot see compile errors. Even if sample code builds at first he won't see errors later on when he changes something or even notice there're errors. He's saying "My milkshake machine is broken I can't make chocolate milkshakes." and you're telling him to make strawberry milkshakes instead...
I already mention this in another forum that the OP started, but just in case anyone ends up here via Google I will say it again.
Lazy Foo has a great tutorial on setting up SDL for various IDEs and OSes:
I solved it, thanks. Instead <sdl.h> i wrote <sdl/sdl.h>, because i have created a folder named sld for that.
whenever using the include header for files that you have linked you have to include the path of the header file.
Please mark this issue as solved
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