I just made a combo box that is contained inside a Rebar control. The combo box is designed to contain a list of a bunch of Fonts (times new roman, arial, etc)
I am trying to make the items in the combo box execute an application defined function when they are chosen, but i am having some trouble doing that
I added one item on the list (Times New Roman) and i also have an application defined function that changes the the text to times new roman. So how exactly can i execute my application defined function when the item (Times New Roman) is chosen from the list in the combo box?
here is the code that adds a combo box to a rebar control (combo box has already been created)
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void CreateComboBoxBand()
RECT coordinates;
combobox.cbSize = REBARBANDINFO_V3_SIZE;
combobox.fMask = RBBIM_STYLE | RBBIM_CHILD |
combobox.cyMinChild = coordinates.bottom - coordinates.top;
combobox.cx = 100;
combobox.lpText = L"Font";
combobox.hwndChild = ComboBox;
SendMessage(ComboBox, CB_ADDSTRING, (WPARAM)1, (LPARAM) L"Times New Roman"); /* Adding a new item on the list */
SendMessage(RebarControl, RB_INSERTBAND, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)&combobox);
and here is my application defined function that changes the text in the rich edit control window to Time New Roman