Raw input functions on windows wouldnt compile

Ok I'm new to programming in c++ and i need help on working with raw functions in windows

for this function: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms645600(VS.85).aspx

i cannot get it to compile without seeing see declaration of blah blah blah. I clicked and i looked, and its not helpful at all. nor is the MS website.

Can you help me? an example would be great eg for a mouse or something. THANKSSSS
#pragma once

#include "stdafx.h"

void register_device ()

USHORT usUsagePage = 0;
USHORT usUsage = 0;
HWND hwndTarget;

typedef struct tagRAWINPUTDEVICE { //Defines information for the raw input device
USHORT usUsagePage; /*Top level collection Usage page for the raw input device*/
USHORT usUsage; /*Top level collection Usage for the raw input device*/
DWORD dwFlags; /*Mode flag that specifies how to interpret the information provided by usUsagePage and usUsage*/

HWND hwndTarget; //Handle to the target window


BOOL RegisterRawInputDevices ( //Registers the devices that supply the raw input data
PCRAWINPUTDEVICE pRawInputDevices, /*Pointer to an array of RAWINPUTDEVICE structure that represent the devices that supply the raw input*/

UINT uiNumDevices, /*Number of RAWINPUTDEVICE structures pointed to by pRawInputDevices*/
UINT cbSize ); //Size, in bytes, of a RAWINPUTDEVICE structure

if (RegisterRawInputDevices <= 0)
cout << GetLastError (); //Print out error if occurred

UINT GetRawInputDeviceList ( //Enumerates the raw input devices attached to the system


/*Pointer tp buffer that holds an array of RAWINPUTDEVICELIST structures for the devices attached to the system*/

PUINT puiNumDevices, //Pointer to a variable
UINT cbSize ); /*Size of a RAWINPUTDEVICELIST structure*/

UINT GetRawInputDeviceInfo ( /*Gets information about the raw input device*/
HANDLE hDevice, //Handle to the raw input device
UINT uiCommand, //Specifies what data will be returned in pData
LPVOID pData, /*Pointer to a buffer that contains the information specified by uiCommand*/
PUINT pcbSize ); /*Pointer to a variable that contains the size, in bytes, of the data in pData*/

UINT GetRegisteredRawInputDevices ( /*Gets information about the raw input devices for the current application*/

PRAWINPUTDEVICE pRawInputDevices, /*Pointer tp an array pf RAWINPUTDEVICE structures for the application*/

PUINT puiNumDevices, /*Number of RAWINPUTDEVICE structure in *pRawInputDevices*/

UINT cbSize ); //Size, in bytes, of a RAWINPUTDEVICE structure

Ok this the layout format that i have written so far by looking at the msdn website. Can you guys help me out by pointing out the problems of how to fix it. Thanks so much
I understand now, those that i wrote are the format of how to input values. Am i correct.

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