How to make the gotoxy function??

Hi everybody. I am trying to program ascii games in the console, such as the snake, or the tron, and I need to use the function gotoxy to set the cursor position in the console in order to refresh the map of the game. The problem is that everything that I find in the internet is made for programing in windows, and I do in linux, ubuntu. In addition, in the few sites where they explain it for linux, they do it for c, and I would like to do it exclusively for c++. This means I dont want to use libraries such as conio.h, stdio.h, as well as functions like printf. I want to do it with cout. Is it posible?
Could anybody please tell me how to make my own gotoxy function for c++ in linux? It should work exactly like the one made for windows.

I don't really know why do everybody choose to make their own function? Why isn't this function included in any standard library of c++? I think it is a very useful and common function, so it should have it public library...

Thanks for answering!!
I do recommend that you do look at ncurses first:
Curses would be the best solution for a full on, text-based app. But you might be able to achieve what you want using ANSI escape codes:

See discussion here (the functions shown in the post could be easily converted into manipulators if you so chose.)


I don't have a living version of Ubuntu to check that the code works ok (my installation is currently suffering driver problems after an upgrade...) Even if it "works" it might be too filckery?

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