I want to run select3dobject.cpp from opencv samples in ubuntu 12.04 virtual machine terminal .I succeeded to compile the code but I could'nt run it. Anyone can help me with the right parameters to enter so that it works ( I want the program to read data from video file not from camera).
select3dobj -w <board_width> -h <board_height> [-s <square_size>]
-i <camera_intrinsics_filename> -o <output_prefix> [video_filename/cameraId]
-w <board_width> Number of chessboard corners wide
-h <board_height> Number of chessboard corners width
[-s <square_size>] Optional measure of chessboard squares in meters
-i <camera_intrinsics_filename> Camera matrix .yml file from calibration.cpp
-o <output_prefix> Prefix the output segmentation images with this
[video_filename/cameraId] If present, read from that video file or that ID
The program will generate a lot of images, the output_prefix refers to the filename of them.
By instance img001.png, img002.png, img003.png (the prefix in this case is img)