Computer Architecture.

Does anyone know of any good websites that deal with and/or teach the subject of computer architecture?
Could you be a little more specific or give an example of what you mean?
I don't, but as a stand-in, Wikipedia undoubtedly has a number of articles on the matter.

Alternatively (or better yet, additionally), assuming you have a library nearby, you could get a bunch of books on it from there.
closed account (1yR4jE8b)
Are you talking about architecture as in, instruction sets of a processor...or just the design of all the different parts of a computer (hdd, cpu, ram etc...)
Actually, I think I understand what you mean, now. Structured Computer Organization by Tanenbaum might be what you're looking for.
closed account (1yR4jE8b)
That's the exact book I would have recommended, it's one of the only books on computer org that i actually enjoy reading (for fun).
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