Professional C++ is recommended.
Have a look at
I can suggest:
C++20 Rainer Grimm
C++ Move Semantics Nicolai M. Josuttis
Concurrency with C++ Rainer Grimm
C++17 The Complete Guide Nicolai M. Josuttis
C++ Lambda Story Bartłomiej Filipek
The C++ Standard Library Rainer Grimm
C++17 in Detail Bartłomiej Filipek
Also in print:
C++ Templates The Complete Guide David Vandevoorde , Nicolai Josuttis,
C++ Standard Library A Tutorial and Reference Nicolai Josuttis
Effective Modern C++: 42 Specific Ways to Improve Your Use of C++11 and C++14 Scott Myers
(Scott Myers has also published several earlier books on C++. Whilst still useful, some of the contents is now out of date as referring to C++98)
C++20 for Programmers Deitel & Deitel
C++ Core Guidelines Paperback Rainer Grimm