What books would you recommend for C++

I want to buy some more C++ books. Ones that teach good programming form and explain things well.

I currently have Jumping Into C++ by Alex Allain who runs the cprogramming forum. and Professional C++ 3rd Edition by Marc Gregoire.

Professional C++ fifth edition is coming out on the 24th of this month and I want to get it.

does anyone have any opinions of these two books? I already own them but I want to know what others think of them if they have read them.

The book from Marc Gregoire I can recommend.
Another good book is C++17 - The Complete Guide by N.Josuttis.
Professional C++ is recommended.

Have a look at leanpub.com. https://leanpub.com/bookstore?type=all&search=c%2B%2B

I can suggest:

C++20 Rainer Grimm
C++ Move Semantics Nicolai M. Josuttis
Concurrency with C++ Rainer Grimm
C++17 The Complete Guide Nicolai M. Josuttis
C++ Lambda Story Bartłomiej Filipek
The C++ Standard Library Rainer Grimm
C++17 in Detail Bartłomiej Filipek

Also in print:

C++ Templates The Complete Guide David Vandevoorde , Nicolai Josuttis,
C++ Standard Library A Tutorial and Reference Nicolai Josuttis
Effective Modern C++: 42 Specific Ways to Improve Your Use of C++11 and C++14 Scott Myers
(Scott Myers has also published several earlier books on C++. Whilst still useful, some of the contents is now out of date as referring to C++98)
C++20 for Programmers Deitel & Deitel
C++ Core Guidelines Paperback Rainer Grimm
awesome, thank you, i'll check those out!
stackoverflow: The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List

isocpp FAQ: Should I buy one book, or several? https://isocpp.org/wiki/faq/how-to-learn-cpp#buy-several-books
@JLBorges Awesome list, thank you!
I recommend Pearson's "C++ Early Objects" by Gaddis, Walters and Muganda. Get the latest edition, I believe it is the 10th or 11th. I have the 9th and it doesn't have anything newer than C++11, unfortunately. I plan to get a newer one as soon as I have the available budget for it.
I think the latest is the 10th published Feb 2019 which covers C++17. However IMO it's vastly overpriced (£98 !).

For learning C++, my recommendation is "Beginning C++20: From Novice to Professional" by Ivor Horton (£36 ).

seeplus wrote:
it's vastly overpriced (£98 !).

How much is 98 pounds in US dollars? I think its like $150 on the Pearson website.
Amazon - Gaddis $154, Horton $41
Amazon overcharges for everything. It's cheaper on the Pearson website:

Only $137.59...but it's a really good resource, and it comes with example programs you can download!
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