My boyfriend is a dual physics and aerospace engineering major and entering his last year of school. His GPA is 3.8 and he's pretty much mastered everything, but needs to get his hands on programming stuff so he can test his code out on his rover. He wants to build his own rover at home, too. He's doing research in a lab and there are 2 coders and apparently it's hard to become one, although he is quite gifted. He says he needs the equipment to test his code on the rover he just built. I'm not a coding expert, so I have no idea what to buy him for starter stuff. I grew up on computers. I do not know C++, Python, or any of that. I do know DOS and HTML (I'm dating myself, I know).
His mom bought him an Andruit mother board or something like that....he needs to be able to test his code on some other stuff....God, just help me out, people, please. I want to buy him this stuff, but I don't want to get ripped off by sellers who can smell blood in the water.
First, move this thread to the lounge where it belongs. Some people won't respond to you simply due to this breach of etiquette, I almost didn't myself.
I have no idea how to ask the question about white sheets without sounding like a crazy person? Is it similar to Magellan, PowerScan, QuickScan, or Gryphon programming sheets? Is that what a "white sheet" is?
The white sheets I am referring to would be the compiled performance data of the device so far. Don't worry about it, a gift card would still be ideal since it sounds like he is in the design phase and probably doesn't know what he needs to buy next.