Solitaire Card Games help...

Dec 12, 2012 at 12:15am
Hi to all....Can some one help me out to make this project plz....
Help needed in urgent plz anyone.....

Solitaire-like card games

You may use VC++ 6.0 (no .NET allowed) environment for this project. In that case,
you will need to submit the whole workspace and the project

In this project, you will be implementing three solitaire-like card games. Since these
games are related to each other in a close manner, you will use inheritance during your
implementation. In fact, you will use two separate inheritance relationships in this
project. One is between different piles of cards and the other is between various games.
You can find information on Solitaire games at but you are not
required to go to that web site for this project.
Card games follow different rules. There are so many of them that the games with
slightly different rules may sometimes use the same name. You must implement the rules
we define here. Do not come back to us saying that the rules we have specified are
incorrect. If they seem incorrect to you, assume that this is some different planet where a
tomato means a monkey and where monkeys mean grades!
Here is what is common to most Solitaire games, at least the ones we consider in this
project. We are actually providing you the class description that should make your job a
lot easier. Some starter code is also being provided.
The Base Classes
A Card is one of the 52 units used to play card games. There are 4 suits (Hearts, Clubs,
Spades, and Diamonds) and 13 ranks (A/1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K) in each suit.
From a programming perspective, this is a class which should hold all the data which can
distinguish a Card from another. It should also provide methods “comparing” itself to
another Card. This comparison is not necessarily the equality or inequality comparison.
Other comparisons should also be possible, for example if two Cards have same suit or
same rank. A Card may also provide a toString() method which simply returns a
C++ string to facilitate printing this Card. A Card should only be printed when it is
facing up. So, perhaps the toString() method should return a string “down” or
something like that if the Card is not up.
1 This project has been derived from a previous programming project which was given to students taking a
programming course offered by computer science department at Stanford University.
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To make life simple, you should use ints as the ranks. Use 11 for J, 12 for Q and 13 for
K. Your Card class will also provide a method to return the rank of a specific Card.
Similarly, you might need a method to return the suit of a Card.
A Deck is a collection of all 52 cards. The constructor of Deck should initialize the
Deck to hold all 52 cards. Since the number of Cards in a Deck is fixed, we could use a
static array to hold the Cards of a Deck. Alternately, a vector can also be used to
hold the Cards in this Deck. The Deck should be able to shuffle itself when requested
and should also provide a getNextCard() method which is self explanatory.
A Pile is also a collection of Cards but the number of Cards in a Pile may vary
during the play. A Game will contain several Piles. Different Games will have different
restrictions on various Piles they may contain. It would not always be possible to add
or remove a Card from a Pile. This will depend upon the current state of Piles and
the type of Game.
Since there can be many types of Piles, this class should behave as the base class from
which other Piles are able to derive. Perhaps, the best way to implement a Pile is to
encapsulate a deque/vector of Cards in it (we will prefer deques!). In fact, the
Cards are still the property of Deck and a Pile should only hold references to them.
Since an STL container can only hold real variables (and not the references), it is best to
store pointers to Cards in a Pile. Each Pile may only contain a maximum number of
Cards which should be passed as an int to the Pile constructor.
During the Games we implement, we will be moving Cards around one by one from one
Pile to another. Therefore, Piles should implement a method which tells whether or
not we can remove the top card from the Pile. If the Pile is not empty, this is usually
true unless some Pile overrides this behavior and removal is prohibited, either in
general or to a specific destination. Similarly, a Pile should be able to tell whether it
can receive the top Card from some other Pile.
One important property of a Pile is that it could either be circular or non-circular. The
former means that the Cards wrap around. For example, some Piles will require
starting from a particular rank but others will not. Other methods a Pile should
implement include, but are not limited to, getting the top Card, adding a Card,
removing a Card, and printing the Pile.
Another important property of a Pile is that it may be fanned or not. When the Pile is
not fanned, you could only see the top Card of the file and the other Cards underneath
are not visible. Of course, you couldn’t see a Card that is not facing up.
It would probably be a good idea to make the printPile() method public and the
printTopCard() method protected. This is because a specific Pile (perhaps a
subclass of Pile) will decide itself whether it is fanned or not.
The Game class implements a card game which can be played with one standard deck of
cards. Initial dealing of cards (distributing on various piles) is the property of a specific

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Game which will be derived from this class. Perhaps, a dealCards() method may be
defined in this class as pure virtual.
As we said, a Game will be a sequence of moves of a single Card from one Pile to
another. Once you move a Card, the Game should redraw itself, thus requiring a
redrawBoard() method. This is the best place to have an interface with the graphics
objects. You will write the redrawBoard() method but don’t worry about the
graphics interface unless you want to build a graphics version of the Game. Even if you
are making a graphics version, we suggest you finish the project with console output and
then build a graphics interface.
At the end of each move, the Game should be asked if the player has won the Game. For
all the Games we are implementing, there is only one way of winning the game: when
the player is able to move ALL Cards to four foundation piles; these Piles will derive
from the Pile base class. Thus, the goal in each Game we implement is to move all
the Cards to the foundation piles.
The Game class should also implement the main interactive loop where input is taken
from the user. This is the second place where graphics objects will interface. We will
provide you starter code for using the console input but feel free to modify it in any way
that pleases your aesthetic sense.
Other Helper Classes:
Perhaps you would want to have one SimpleInput class or something similar to that
and one class which acts as the entry point into the program. We will provide starter code
for the entry point in a file called solitaire.cpp
The Derived Classes
In addition to the base classes described above, you will have an inheritance hierarchy for
the two classes: Game and Pile.
Classes derived from the Game class will each represent a unique Game and the classes
derived from the Pile class will each represent a Pile with some special properties.
As we already mentioned, there are four foundation piles in each Game and they may be
encapsulated in the Game base class. The goal of each Game we write is to fill up the
four FoundationPiles, each carrying 13 Cards. The FoundationPiles derive
from the Pile class and may or may not be circular. If the FoundationPiles are
non-circular, they must start from a specific Card and build up3 on that Card (usually
the A of each suit). If they are circular, they may start at any Card location and building
up on top of that. For example, {4 3 2 A K Q J 10 9 8 7 6 5}4 is a valid circular
2 Definition from Piles of cards where the object is to
build upon a base card, usually up in a sequence. In most games, the foundations are built up by suit,
although this can vary. Also, once cards are moved to foundations, usually they cannot be moved again.
Most solitaire games are won when all the cards have been moved to the foundations.
3 Play a card one rank higher and of the same suit on a card. For example, play a 5H on a 4H.
4 The convention we follow is that the right most card on screen is at the bottom of a pile. That is, the cards
are placed in a pile on top of the cards to their right on the console.
Last edited on Dec 12, 2012 at 12:16am
Dec 12, 2012 at 12:15am

Page 4 of 8
The Games we have chosen restrict you to start the FoundationPiles all with the
same Card even if they are circular. In the above example, if a Game allows circular
FoundationPiles, all of them must start with 5. This can easy be handled by having
a data member in the FoundationPile which holds a static baseCard.
The FoundationPile should be able to tell if it can accept top Card from another
pile. Remember, you can’t move Cards from any Pile to any Pile; there are
restrictions. If the FoundationPile is not empty, you must build up the Pile with
Card of same suit. If, however, the Pile is empty, you will need to check whether the
baseCard allows you to place a Card onto the FoundationPile.
FoundationPiles do not allow removal of Cards nor are they fanned. This means
that you can only see the top Card and once a Card moves to a FoundationPile, it
is not possible to remove that Card.
You would want to provide a couple of helper methods in this class for printing and
adding Cards.
These Piles can hold Cards on a temporary basis for moving them around. Since
different Games have different rules regarding what happens in a Tableau Pile when
it becomes empty or what kind of Cards can be played there, you will not write this
class as a base class; in fact, you don’t even need to write this class at all. Instead you
will have Game-dependent tableau Piles. The description of each of those Piles is
given later.
You will implement it as a class derived from Pile. This is the Pile which contains all
remaining Cards which you can use during the play. That is, Cards remaining to be
placed onto various Piles are kept by StockPile. This Pile never accepts a Card
and it does not allow removal of cards except when the destination is a
DiscardPile. Remember, the Games we are implementing will require Cards may
be removed from the StockPile only if the destination is a DiscardPile.
All Cards in StockPile are faced down and there is no need to make it fanned. Take
a look at the sample run of the program how this Pile should print itself.
DiscardPile7 (or WastePile)
This Pile can only accept Cards from the StockPile and keeps the un-played
Cards. This Pile has all Cards faced up but is not fanned. This means that only the
top Card is visible.
5 Definition from Piles of cards where building (or packing)
is usually permitted. Cards may be packed on the exposed cards of each pile, according to rules that vary
from game to game. Usually the game begins with a certain number of cards in each pile. When all the
cards in a tableau pile have been played elsewhere, there is usually a rule about whether or what kind of
cards can be moved to the empty space.
6 Definition from A pile containing the remainder of the cards
after all the rest of the piles have been dealt. Cards are usually dealt from the stock in some way, such as to
a waste pile or to tableau piles.
7 Definition from A pile where unplayable cards are stored.
Usually the top card of the Waste is available for play on other piles. In some games the waste pile is
turned over to become the Stock (this is called a redeal).
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The Games
We will implement three Games and each of them will derive from the Game base class.
Each Game will have four FoundationPiles which may or may not be circular. If
they are not circular, they will build up from A to K and if they are circular, they all must
start with the same baseCard. The description of each Game is given below:
This Game has the following Piles:
• Four FoundationPiles each of which can hold a maximum of 13 Cards, all
belonging to same suit and building up from A to K. This Game requires that the
four FoundationPiles are circular. That is, they may start from any card and
build up in a circular fashion. However, the baseCard of all four of these
Piles must be the same. These Piles are not fanned.
• Sixteen Tableau piles (call them SixteensTableauPiles) each of which
starts with carrying 3 Cards each after the initial deal. During the play, each of
these Piles can carry a maximum of 3 Cards. These Piles are fanned and all
Cards are faced up. These Piles can accept Cards from any other Pile in the
Game except from the FoundationPiles, as long as they build down
alternating on color8 and do not exceed the 3-card limit. For example, either 4C or
4S can be played on 5H, etc. This pile becomes unusable once it becomes empty.
Even a K can not be played on an empty SixteensTableauPile. This Pile
is also circular meaning that KD can be played on 1C/AC.
• Two SpecialTableauPiles which are exactly the same as the other Tableau
Piles in this Game except that they are reusable even after they are empty. An
empty SpecialTableauPile can accept any card. However, the restrictions
remain the same as the regular tableau Piles used in this Game, i.e., no more
than 3 Cards and building down alternating in color. You must derive this class
from SixteensTableauPile class.
This Game has the following Piles:
• Four FoundationPiles each of which can hold a maximum of 13 Cards, all
belonging to same suit and building up from A to K. This Game requires that the
four FoundationPiles are not circular. That is, they must start from A and
end at K upon completion. These Piles are not fanned.
• Ten Tableau piles (call them TowersTableauPiles) each of which starts with
carrying 5 Cards each after the initial deal. During the play, each of these can
carry a maximum of 17 Cards (restrictions in Card movement will not let you
place more than 17 Cards on any of these Piles). These Piles are fanned and
all Cards are up. These Piles can accept Cards from any other Pile in the
Game except from the FoundationPiles, as long as they build down on the
same suit. For example, only 4H can be played on 5H, etc. Once a
TowersTableauPile becomes empty, it can only accept a K of any suit.
These Piles are non-circular meaning that KD can not be played on 1D/AD.
8 Each card has a color in addition to its rank and suit. Diamonds and Hearts have RED color while Spades
and Clubs have BLACK color. Thus, 26 cards are RED and 26 cards have BLACK color.
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• Four special TowersPiles. After the initial deal any two of these contain one
Card each. These Cards should be faced up. TowersPiles can accept any
Card as long as it is coming from the TowersTableauPiles. These Piles
can not carry more than a single card.
This Game has the following Piles:
• Four FoundationPiles each of which can hold a maximum of 13 Cards, all
belonging to same suit and building up from A to K. This Game requires that the
four FoundationPiles are not circular. That is, they must start from A and
end at K upon completion. These Piles are not fanned.
• Ten non-Circular Tableau piles (call them FortyThievesTableauPiles)
each of which starts with carrying 2 Cards each after the initial deal. During the
play, each of these can carry a maximum of 14 Cards (restrictions in Card
movement will not let you place more than 14 Cards on any of these Piles).
These Piles are fanned and all Cards are up. These Piles can accept Cards
from any other Pile in the Game except from the FoundationPiles and
StockPile as long as they build down on the same suit. For example, only 4H
can be played on 5H, etc. Once a FortyThievesTableauPile becomes
empty, it can accept any Card of any suit. The FortyThievesTableauPile
can act as a base class from which we can derive the TowersTableauPile
class due to similar kind of behavior.
• One StockPile which contains remaining 32 Cards, all faced down, and
obviously not fanned.
• One DiscardPile which is empty to start with. As described previously,
Cards from StockPile can only be moved to DiscardPile which can only
accept cards from a StockPile. DiscardPile is not fanned and all cards are
faced up.
Dec 12, 2012 at 7:11am
Dude! Don't bother posting pages 7 and 8. No one is going to do your homework for you, especially if they have to read 8 pages to get started.

It looks like you have some very exact specifications. This should be good enough to get you started.

If you run into a SPECIFIC problem (this class gives an error when inherited, when I read this file it quits early, etc) then you can ask for help and we'll help you out.
Dec 12, 2012 at 6:41pm
well the problem is in making game cards and to shuffle the cards.....
Dec 12, 2012 at 6:48pm
well the problem is in making game cards and to shuffle the cards.....

Abra-kadabra half of your "problem" is already solved in the STL:

I really wish schools would teach the following thought process:

- Could I be the only person in the history of programming to have this problem?

IF_YES: Write your own code.

IF_NO: Check the STL.
Dec 12, 2012 at 6:52pm

Here's a small program I found in a book, that shows how to create 52 cards, shuffle them and deal all of them out. Maybe you can get some ideas from it for your program..
// Structure.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
// From 'C - How to program' page 403
// Added in the pix sections of the program, so along with the value of the card and the name of the suit, it will also
// show the character representation of the shown card. A Heart card will show a heart pix, etc.

#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <ctime>
#include <windows.h>

using namespace std;

struct Card {
	char *face;
	char *pix;
	char *suit;

typedef struct Card card;

void fillDeck(card *, char *[], char *[], char *[]);
void shuffle(card *, int);
void deal(card *);
void WaitKey();

int main()
	int shuffled = 1250;
	card deck[52];
	char *face[] = {"Ace","Duece","Three","Four","Five","Six","Seven","Eight","Nine","Ten","Jack","Queen","King"};
	char *pix[] = {"\x03","\x05","\x04","\x06"}; // - Added to original program
	char *suit[] = {"Hearts","Clubs","Diamonds","Spades"};
	time_t t;
    srand((unsigned) time(&t)); // Randomize using time
	cout << "\n\t\t*** A deck of cards after " << shuffled << " shuffles ***\n\n";
	fillDeck(deck, face, suit, pix);
	shuffle(deck, shuffled);
	return 0;

void fillDeck(card *wDeck, char *wFace[], char *wSuit[], char *wPix[])
	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < 52; i++)
		wDeck[i].face = wFace[i % 13];
		wDeck[i].pix  = wPix[i / 13]; // Added
		wDeck[i].suit = wSuit[i / 13];

void shuffle(card *wDeck, int shuffled)
	int i, j, x;
	Card temp;
	for (x = 0; x < shuffled ; x++) // A big shuffle
		for (i = 0; i < 52; i++)
			j=rand() % 52;
			temp = wDeck[i];
			wDeck[i] = wDeck[j];
			wDeck[j] = temp;
void deal(card *wDeck)
	int i;
		for (i = 0; i < 51; i++)
			if ( wDeck[i].pix == "\x03"||wDeck[i].pix== "\x04" )
				SetConsoleTextAttribute (GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), 4);
				SetConsoleTextAttribute (GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), 8);
			printf("    %5s of %-8s (%s) %c", wDeck[i].face, wDeck[i].suit, wDeck[i].pix, (i + 1) % 3 ? '\b' : '\n');
		if ( wDeck[51].pix == "\x03"||wDeck[51].pix== "\x04" )
				SetConsoleTextAttribute (GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), 4);
				SetConsoleTextAttribute (GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), 8);
	printf("\t\t\t     %5s of %-8s (%s) \n", wDeck[51].face, wDeck[51].suit, wDeck[51].pix);

void WaitKey()
SetConsoleTextAttribute (GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), 8);
cout << "\t\t   Press ENTER to continue...\n\t\t";
while (_kbhit()) _getch(); // Empty the input buffer
_getch(); // Wait for a key
while (_kbhit()) _getch(); // Empty the input buffer (some keys sends two messages)
Dec 13, 2012 at 12:24pm
As i am using geany on linux (G++) and there is no header file of "windows.h" & "conio.h" so is there any alternative for these two header files..........?
Dec 13, 2012 at 3:23pm

Since I don't use Linux, I'm not sure what could be substituted. But what you could do, is copy and paste the above into your compiler, without "conio.h" and "windows.h", and see what errors it shows. It may highlight the error it doesn't understand and show you what header file those commands are in. It works like that for me with Visual 2012 Express, anyway. Just and idea..
Dec 24, 2012 at 2:02pm
oki...nw all of my problems are solved but nw i want to place a timer on my screen while the game is been plz tell me how to do that...and also some help about graphics...
Dec 24, 2012 at 11:04pm
Dec 25, 2012 at 12:10am
closed account (zwA4jE8b)
Getting sdl on linux is very easy ubuntu: sudo apt-get install libsdl-dev libsdl-ttf2.0-dev , i believe, these two libraries will let you create a window, import bmp's (probably of the cards), and display text to the screen.

SDL itself is very easy to get started and the ttf is a little trickier but not much.
SDL tutorial
TTF doc

I recommend starting with some of the basics and playing around with it a little then implementing it in your game.
Last edited on Dec 25, 2012 at 12:13am
Dec 25, 2012 at 11:30am
i hav made this game using turbo c++ and is fully in concole mode.
so how to set the timer...
Dec 25, 2012 at 2:15pm
closed account (zwA4jE8b)
well in both linux and windows there is a function to get CPU ticks, so all you have to do is

the real code
clock_t start = clock();
// do stuff here
clock_t now = clock();
clock_t delta = now - start;
double seconds_elapsed = static_cast<double>(delta) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

or you can access the system clock and just display the parts of that you need, like seconds and minutes.
Last edited on Dec 25, 2012 at 2:33pm
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