The following is my implementation of a sparse matrix class. Feel free to comment on my bad coding style as well as use the code. The input file is the bcsstk14 matrix from
Space savings is huge for this matrix. It has about 40,000 nonzeros, the number of elements in the matrix is about 2000^2=4,000,000. So the sparse matrix takes up about 1% (plus pointers and stuff) of the space required for the dense matrix (array[][]).
There is a multiplication timer in the test file, it comes out with .005 seconds whereas dense multiplication takes about 7 seconds (Linux P4 2.3GHz) for this matrix. Which is a speedup factor of about 1400.
Then I have to store a column index up to n times for each element in a row. My implementation is basically Compressed Row Storage see
This saves more space by adding a few more pointers.
No... but how would you execute a fast MatVec multiply with std::map<std::pair<size_t,size_t>,T>? I need to have pointers to each row for mine to work.
And how can I determine the amount of memory being used, during execution that is. I tried doing some sizof() things but it only gives the size of the pointer. Is there a recursive sizeof() ? I do not really want to do a memory analysis by hand.
I was hoping for something a bit more specific (yes indeed that was a pun). But I suppose if I have a big enough matrix it will dominate the memory slot.