c++ windows.h header file

hi frnds i want windows.h header file. i want to download header file if can help me plz help me...........
Why do you need to download this file?
You need to get the Windows API SDK appropriate for your compiler and platform.

If you are using MinGW, go here
and get the w32api package and unzip it in your MinGW directory.

If you are using MSVC++ or Borland C++, you don't need to do anything (they come with the Windows API headers).

If you are working on some other platform, you need to read-up on cross-compiling and what your particular compiler needs to use the Windows API.

Hope this helps.
hi thanks thanks
i am having Turbo c but it doesnt contain [b]windows.h[/b] file
Get yourself a modern compiler.
(It's free.)

Good luck!
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