File Management

What I would like to know is how to use C++ to manage a directory and the files in the directory. I would like to have it create folders based on a specified criteria and move all files that meet a specified criteria to the folder. My knowledge in C++ is pretty minimal right but I catch on quick and I understand what I'm looking at. My use for this is when I download music I want it to identify the artist > create a folder with the artist's name > move files to the folder. I also want to make it more advanced later on where it searches all the folders and sorta reorginizes it.

IDK if it makes a difference but I use Windows 7 x64.
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you must ask your question in windows programming :
some of function is
and if you want enumeration your file you must use

and other function that you need them
Thanks, I'll repost in the windows forum.
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