Please Help - Programming Project

I am to make an application that will grade a multiple choice exam with 10 questions. Here are the correct answers for the exam.
1. B
2. D
3. A
4. A
5. C
6. A
7. B
8. A
9. C
In main() I am to define 2 arrays. Initializing one array with the correct answers given. Initializing while declaring it...

Then I have to call these functions:
Pass the second array to a function that will prompt the user to enter their answers to the ten questions and store them in that array. Accepting only letters A, B, C, D as answers. I must use a while loop for this validation. Can't end the program if the user enters invalid data. *There are no questions for this exam, but instead pretending the student has been given a paper and only used the computer to record their answer.

The second function will receive the two array as parameters. This function will compare the letters in the two arrays and output a report showing whether each question was answered correctly or incorrectly. The function will total the number correct and return it to main.

The third and last function will receive the number correct as its parameter and output if the student passed or failed the quiz. A student must correctly answer 6 questions correctly to pass the exam.

*must use prototypes
*no global variables
*define the arrays in main and pass them to the required functions. Remember you are passing by reference.

If someone could please help me - it is due tomorrow, maybe with some pseudo, or some code that will help put it together. thank you - Richard
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Take each step one at a time.

In main() I am to define 2 arrays. Initializing one array with the correct answers given. Initializing while declaring it...

Start there. What should this code look like?

(And, please, in the future, post questions like these in the "Beginners" forum.)
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