To make a windows application a Service

I am working on a WIN32 application which contains simple gui.

Is it possible to convert it into a service base application or i need to remove the gui.

kindly help soon

Thanks in advance,
A service has different entry points. And although you can put up a GUI, it's not recomended for a number of reasons.
Thanks a lot but my need are such that i need to do it anyhow.

will it be advisable to rewrite the code into a console then convert into a service...
or should i rewrite the code directly as a service.

A service should be a server in the traditional sense. If you need to configure it with a GUI, that GUI should be a seperate application that access the service thru its API.

The service should not be a GUI.

Quite rightly, it's a royal pain to get a service to display a GUI. Have you thought about what should happen if no one is logged in? Why should twiddle your GUI then?
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