Drawing my axes

Pages: 12
Furry Guy I fucked your mom once, she was good.
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mbozzi, stop sucking dick for living man, man up.
- Draw normal scene with normal Model View Projection matrix
- Clear depth buffer
- Then draw anything else, perhaps w/o the normal perspective projection
It doesn't sound very computationally complex to me. Even if you need to switch a shader, any complex scene will probably use multiple shaders anyway. Think of it more like a HUD, which I assume 99% of games have some form of.

Please upload your game, I want to see if it's a trainwreck or actually good.
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0. Draw the usual scene (obviously)
1. Generate (or rotate) the 3D compass adjusted to the camera's orientation using linear algebra
2. Enable blending
3. Disable depth testing
4. Project the 3D compass onto NDC space. No "view matrix" involved.
5. Reset depth testing
6. Reset blending

mbozzi, stop sucking dick for living man, man up.

I've never been sexually insecure enough for this kind of comment to bother me.

You're an anxious teenager, probably a virgin, and it looks like sexuality makes you uncomfortable. So what? Can we talk about programming? If not, I'll just never interact with you again.

Seconding @Ganado, please upload your game. It might be easier to demonstrate in a working codebase.
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and if you are really all that stoked on performance of what looks like stick figures, you can thread the above ideas to make them happen at the same time for 95% of the operations.
@gonado thanks, finally an answer, have you looked at the image I uploaded, wdym w/o normal projection matrix, should I use an orthographic projection matrix? I do the things you said to draw normal stuff. what I'm trying to do now is draw my world's axes at the top right of my screen.
@mbozzi yeah we can talk about programming, I just responded to what you said.
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Pages: 12