
I don't get it. What's the statement?
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A bunch of code isn't a theory.

We can't tell if the code does what it's supposed to do because you haven't said what that is. So I'll say the code doesn't work because I think it should play a cute song.

If you have a theory then tell us what that theory is. Don't post uncommented code that supposedly implements it.
Well, it doesn't compile for starters. Original code was at

The (now-disappeared) poster was a troll. The code is complete claptrap.

The drawing part of the code was (incompetently and incompletely) copied from a reply here:
No idea where the rest came from.

After a few guesses at what might be necessary to make it compile I ended up with
Enter Lines to calculate 10
Lines  = 10||.
Turns = 9<->.
Right Turns = 4>.
Left Turns = 4<.
Unknown Turns = 1<?>.
Evenpl = 2EPL.
Oddpl = 7ODP.
Random Unknown Turn: leftRUT.
Levels = 5[].
Diavel = 3[+].
Requested = 6[!!!].
Embadon = 5EM.
Perimeter = 12PE.
Embadon_Central_Point = 2.50000000000000000000EM+.
Triarea = 2.50000000000000000000TA.
Triper = 11.09901951359278449161TP.
Carea = 20.42035224833365254261CA.
Cper = 16.01904224441409200011CP.
Diamesos = 5.09901951359278449161//.
NTriangle_Diamesos = 5.02493781056044513510/^/.
NTriangle_Diamesos_Central_Point = 2.51246890528022256755<+>.
Ntriarea = 2.50000000000000000000NAR.
Ntriaper = 11.04987562112089027021NPE.
Central Point = 2.54950975679639224580{+}.
Symmetry_Point = 0.50000000000000000000|+|.
Dynamic Load = 9.00000000000000000000{#}.
Regular_Pentagon_Perimeter = 18.16356320013402247948RPPE.
Regular_Pentagon_Embadon = 22.70445400016752809935RPEM.
Regular_Hexagon_Perimeter = 17.32050807568877193177RHPE.
Regular_Hexagon_Embadon = 21.65063509461096491471RHEM.
Regular_Septagon_Perimeter = 16.85511112073956957458RSPE.
Regular_Septagon_Embadon = 21.06888890092446196822RSEM.
Regular_Octagon_Perimeter = 16.56854249492380137809ROPE.
Regular_Octagon_Embadon = 20.71067811865475172262ROEM.
Regular_Nonagon_Perimeter = 16.37866054197910536949RNPE.
Regular_Nonagon_Embadon = 20.47332567747388171187RNEM.
Regular_Decagon_Perimeter = 16.24598481164531427190RDPE.
Regular_Decagon_Embadon = 20.30748101455664283987RDEM.
Regular_Undecagon_Perimeter = 16.14566557133866236962RUPE.
Regular_Undecagon_Embadon = 20.18208196417332796202RUEM.
Regular_Dodecagon_Perimeter = 16.07695154586736174807RDOPE.
Regular_Dodecagon_Embadon = 20.09618943233420218508RDOEM.
Bullet_Embadon = 81.681408993334610170463DBERA.
Bullet_Volume = 69.415849725794389453453DBVOL.

Most random levels:
Least random levels:

The number of MaxRANDS levels = 1.
The number of MinRANDS levels = 1.

The sum of the MaxRANDS levels and the MinRANDS levels is not equal to the number of the levels.

The sum of MaxRANDS is = to 5.
The sum of MinRANDS is = to 2.

Function: f(x) = 5x + 3.
Remastered Function: f(x) = 5.00000000000000000000x + 3.00000000000000000000.
Slope = 5.00000000000000000000.

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
  what():  array::at: __n (which is 1875936672) >= _Nm (which is 120)

Oh well. Back to work!
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