Ragdoll physics

I googled 'game physics' specifically rag dolls and skeletal animation, but I was surprised that I didn't find any good tutorials on that, any recommendations? (I'm using c++ and d3d12)
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I'd recommend starting simple. Maybe with a point object falling under gravity. Then make it bounce.
@repeater lol my engine already implements a robust particle system, I think that I am ready to dive into ragdoll physics, unfortunately I can't find any complete tutorials.
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@repeater lol my engine already implements a robust particle system,

I don't see why that's funny, but I see it a lot. People stating simple facts and then laughing. Good for you, hope your robust particle system is very funny indeed.

So can you model a point object falling under gravity? It's about the simplest way to get started. If you have this "robust particle system" it shouldn't take more than a few minutes.

But, if you don't understand how to make a point object fall under gravity, you are not ready for.. well, any kind of physics, since that the simplest there is. A constant force acting on a point object. Ragdoll physics is forces acting upon rigid objects - basically sticks.

Single point falling under gravity.
Ball bouncing under gravity.
Stick falling and bouncing under gravity.
Two sticks joined flexibly at their ends, falling under gravity.

I suspect that any simple video on youtube or the like won't be worth watching; you're asking for something like this - https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~baraff/sigcourse/notesd1.pdf - to be cut down to bite-sized chunks that you learn, without having to know any actual physics or mathematics first.
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@Repeater dude chill you can't be that serious, I mean wtf is wrong with you, lol does not mean that I'm laughing at you (maybe it does).

you obviously have no idea what you're talking about, I already know that ragdolls are based on skeletal hierarchies that are basically a set of joints (particles) that are connected by bones (sticks), I know that and I know the "physics or mathematics" to work with particles and sticks, what I need is a simple tutorial that likely offers a working source code to use as a reference and to compare it with my own code. The link you mentioned is irrelevant just like your comment.

you understand that I have a robust particle system that you are quoting for some reason (brain issues maybe?) and then you say
But, if you don't understand how to make a point object fall under gravity
, bitch go fuck yourself you are not helping at all.
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I mean wtf is wrong with you, lol does not mean that I'm laughing at you (maybe it does).

I genuinely don't know what it means. Why add it? What were you laughing at? It's just indicative of your inability to write with precision, I suppose.

I know that and I know the "physics or mathematics" to work with particles and sticks

I disagree. If you did, you'd already be able to start writing the code for it.

, bitch go fuck yourself you are not helping at all.

What I hear you saying here is "you're right, I don't understand this, but having to acknowledge this hurts my ego, so rather than learn, I will instead lash out and pretend that I'm simply too superior to even bother".
@Repeater well guess what you are too inferior, by the way I have already written code but it did not work as expected so I thought maybe it would be a good idea to check online tuts.
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