First of all, why exactly are you doing this? If this is anything to do with your recent threads on MPI then there is absolutely no need to change from a C++-style to a C-style way of doing things. Your MPI send and receive calls will be perfectly happy with a send buffer created with new: there is absolutely no point in using malloc. And, although vectors aren't particularly great with MPI, you can actually get straight to their original data buffer with, e.g. file_buffer.data().
I want to be consistent with C language. I did all my work with C so I want to do this transformation but the advantage is that I would get two versions of code and I can test their performance.
vector<double> file_buffer;
double *file_buffer;
..blah blah it gets malloced and data put in it and so on..
and resize looks like this:
double *tmp = malloc(however that works);
memcpy(tmp, file_buffer, oldsize*sizeof(double));
free(file_buffer); //whatever C needs here. I am very rusty
file_buffer = tmp; //bam, its resized data intact.
yes, malloc replaces 'new' for C. I don't remember the gory details of the syntax, and you can look it up as well as I can.
or, ideally, you can just make file_buffer extra big to begin with and not fool with resizing it which is inefficient. you can open a file, get its size, and then allocate your buffer after that if it makes more sense ...