You should definitely consider using modern C++ as standard. It's there for a reason. -std=c++1y is (I guess, depending on what compiler you're using) a superset of c++11. Unless you've got a reason not to, I'd suggest just always using the most recent C++ standard your compiler supports.
gcc 6.1 came out just a couple of weeks ago. It's nice, and it uses C++14 as standard (so you won't need any -std=xx switch).
Answering your question; you can get the exact type with decltype. It's a bit ugly and fiddly, so I use the boost library to make it easy and pretty:
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#include <iostream>
#include <boost/type_index.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace boost::typeindex;
int add(int x, int y)
return x + y;
int subtract(int x, int y)
return x - y;
int multiply(int x, int y)
return x * y;
int divide (int x, int y)
return x/y;
auto getArithmeticFunction(char op)
case '+' : return &add;
case '-' : return &subtract;
case '/' : return ÷
case '*' : return &multiply;
int main()
char op;
std::cout<<"input operator :";
auto func = getArithmeticFunction(op);
cout << type_id_with_cvr<decltype(func)>().pretty_name() << '\n';
std::cout << func(10,5) << std::endl;
return 0;
I understand why it feels like "cheating", and I definitely not an advocate of "auto everywhere" but there are times and places where the cost of deducing and typing and subsequently reading the exact type are outweighed by an auto.
Your options are for you to laboriously exactly work out the return type, and type it in everywhere it's needed (which will be a pain to read and prone to error and draws attention away from the actual meaning), or to just use auto, which doesn't mean "any type"; it still means "the appropriate, exact, fixed type".
At risk of sliding into off-topic, code is written both for the compiler to read and for the programmer (who may not be the person who wrote it originally) to understand.
A big clunky pointer-to-function-type is error-prone and hard to read; a C++ function object is clearly a function and can be passed around as an object, so it's easier to understand and easier to work with (so better on all counts) ; "auto" in this case allows one to express the idea that you don't care about the exact return type, which is some kind of horrific function pointer - the point of it isn't the type, but the meaning. The
meaning is that it's a function.
I would suggest that you definitely do not work with function pointers; I think that a proper C++ function object is what you're looking for, as that maintains the readable type information but is also a lot easier and more useful and less error-prone and more maintainable than function pointers.