hey im trying to write code im a beginner and need some help
I want to create 3/4 classes
the first class would be
class 1 At start …enter 12345 ect for language they want to say hello ….
Class2 – ask age name height ….
Class 3 Then asks age for driving…..16 over can drive 80 over cant drive If over 80 person take exam every 5 years
this is what I have so far
Using namespace std;
Int main(){
Int personsAge = 80;
Int ageAtLastExam = 16;
Bool isNotIntoxicated = true;
if ((age >= 1) && (age < 16)){
cout<<” You cant drive”<< endl;
} else if(! IsNotIntoxicated){
Cout<<”you cant drive”<< endl;
} else if (age >=80 && ((age >100) II ((age – ageAtLastExam>5))){
cout<<” You cant drive”<< endl;
}else if {
cout<< You can drive” endl;
Return 0;
Using namespace std;
Int main(){
Class Person{
Int height;
Int weight;
String name;
Int getHieght(){ return height;}
Int getweight (){ return weight;}
string getName() { return name;}
void setHieght(int cm){height = cm;}
void setWeight(int kg){height = kg;}
void setName(int personname){height = personName;}
Int main(){