Program Specification:
1. Must store the primes in long long type array
2. Must display each prime number
3. Must be the first 250000 primes
I've posted a similar thread before and I've optimized this code (I don't know how to make this any faster at this point).
On my system, this program completes in 23 seconds. I am curious how fast this program will execute on different computers.
IF this program completes under 10 seconds on your computer (Given that it's possible), please let me know your computer specs and I'd really appreciate it.
And by the way, the 250000th prime number is 3,497,861 so make sure that number is displayed as the last number when the program completes.
| Description: This program will identify the first 250000 Prime Numbers|
| and store them in a long long type array |
#define SIZE 250000
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
int main ()
longlong first125000Primes [ SIZE ]; // Array to store the first 125000 Prime Numbers. First element is 2
bool isPrime;
int iter = 1; // Used to control while loop & as index for first125000Primes array
int squareRoot;
longlong currentNumber = 3; // First number to be tested and it will be incremented by 2
first125000Primes [ 0 ] = 2; // First element is always 2, which is the first prime number
std::cerr << first125000Primes [ 0 ] << std::endl; // Display the first element in the array
while ( iter < SIZE ) {
isPrime = true; // Reset boolean var to true
squareRoot = std::sqrt ( currentNumber ); // Find the square root of the current number being tested
// Go through the list of all previously found primes and divide the sqrt of the current number by each element
// As soon as the number is divisible, flag it as "Not Prime" and break the loop
for ( int index = 0 ; first125000Primes [ index ] <= squareRoot; index ++ )
if ( currentNumber % first125000Primes [ index ] == 0 ) {
isPrime = false;
// If the number is prime, store the value in the next index of array and increment iter
if ( isPrime ) {
first125000Primes [ iter ] = currentNumber;
std::cerr << first125000Primes [ iter ] << std::endl;
iter ++;
currentNumber += 2; // Add 2 to currentNumber since it only needs to test odd numbers
return 0;
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <cassert>
#include <limits>
#include <vector>
#include <ctime>
int main()
constauto start = std::clock() ;
constexpr std::size_t NPRIMES = 1'000'000 ; // *** one million, 250'000 is a bit too low to time accurately.
staticlonglong primes[NPRIMES] {} ;
// use the prime number theorem to get an upper bound on the nth prime
// logn = std::log(NPRIMES) ;
constauto sz = NPRIMES * ( logn + std::log(logn) ) + 1 ;
assert( sz < std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max() ) ;
// generate a prime number sieve upto the upper_bound
std::vector<bool> sieve( sz, true ) ;
const std::size_t rp1 = std::sqrt(sz) + 2 ;
for( std::size_t i = 2 ; i < rp1 ; ++i ) if( sieve[i] )
for( std::size_t j = i+i ; j < sz ; j += i ) sieve[j] = false ;
// set the numbers in the array to prime numbers till the nth prime number
std::size_t cnt = 0 ;
for( std::size_t i = 2 ; i < sz && cnt <= NPRIMES ; ++i ) if( sieve[i] ) primes[cnt++] = i ;
constauto end = std::clock() ;
std::cout << (end-start) * 1000.0 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " milliseconds\n" ;
// a few sanity checks
assert( cnt == NPRIMES+1 && primes[0] == 2 ) ;
if( NPRIMES >= 250'000 ) assert( primes[ 250'000 - 1 ] == 3'497'861 ) ; // and by the way, the 250000th prime number is 3,497,861
if( NPRIMES >= 1'000'000 ) assert( primes[ 1'000'000 - 1 ] == 15'485'863 ) ; //
std::cout << "\nthe " << NPRIMES << "th prime number is " << primes[NPRIMES-1] << '\n' ;
std::cout << "\ndisplay each prime number. Must be the first 250000 primes:\n""surely you are joking, aren't you?\n" ;
180 milliseconds
the 1000000th prime number is 15485863