Help With Binary Trees Project

How do I start this off? I'm very new to C++.

Your program should begin by prompting the user for a filename. Then, open that
file and use it as necessary to do the following: Use a binary search tree that stores at each node
both a string and a count of how many of that node it has found. Then, go through the file given
(text file) and starting with the first letter, put it onto the tree with a count of 1. Then get the next
character in the file, push it onto the tree, and so forth. If you ever try to add a node that has
already been added (for example, pushing an ‘a’ onto the tree that already has an ‘a’, increment
the count at that node.
Once that is done, go through the file again and get all consecutive 2-letter occurrences
and push them onto the tree. Again, if there is a match, increment the count.
Repeat this entire process until you reach a ‘k’ long sequence.
How can we help and what exactly do you need help with? What have you done so far?

Just noticed you've posted this before. Please don't post multiple times.
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